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Upgrade to Opusmodus 3.0

120.00 GBP
Language: English (French, Italian and German soon)
© MMXXIV Opusmodus™ Ltd. All rights reserved.

macOS 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15
Windows OS 10 · 11
120.00 GBP
Upgrade to Opusmodus version 3.0
Opusmodus 3.0 requires a new serial number to run. When purchasing the upgrade the current user will need to provide an Opusmodus 1.0 - 2.2 serial number. Please send your current license number to sales@opusmodus.com. Only after the conformation of the current license the user gets the new License Key.
Before opening the new application you need to delete the Opusmodus folder. Make sure you save your personal files (scores, docs etc...) before. After you have deleted the Opusmodus user folder you can start the new application. At the start Opusmodus will ask you for permission to create a new user folder in your home directory, if you don’t see a window for it, it means the old folder is still on your computer. Make sure the new Opusmodus folder is installed in your home directory.

You may use your licence to activate Opusmodus on two personal Macs that you own, provided you use the program on only one computer at a time. The product you purchase will be registered in your name only. The software is download only — no packages will be shipped.


About Upgrade to Opusmodus 3.0


Language: English (French, Italian and German soon)
© MMXXIV Opusmodus™ Ltd. All rights reserved.



macOS 11 · 12 · 13 · 14 · 15

Windows OS 10 · 11


120.00 GBP


Upgrade to Opusmodus version 3.0

Opusmodus 3.0 requires a new serial number to run. When purchasing the upgrade the current user will need to provide an Opusmodus 1.0 - 2.2 serial number. Please send your current license number to sales@opusmodus.com. Only after the conformation of the current license the user gets the new License Key.


Before opening the new application you need to delete the Opusmodus folder. Make sure you save your personal files (scores, docs etc...) before. After you have deleted the Opusmodus user folder you can start the new application. At the start Opusmodus will ask you for permission to create a new user folder in your home directory, if you don’t see a window for it, it means the old folder is still on your computer. Make sure the new Opusmodus folder is installed in your home directory.

You may use your licence to activate Opusmodus on two personal Macs that you own, provided you use the program on only one computer at a time. The product you purchase will be registered in your name only. The software is download only — no packages will be shipped.

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