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Everything posted by YiyangW

  1. I don't know if this information will be helpful for those who are also trapped with M1 or for future debugging, but I found a rather consistent pattern of crashing and potentially a way to avoid it: Opusmodus on M1 always crash during threading. So be patient. Wait until the interpreter finishes its job and then execute the next block of code. This also applies to any manipulations on the GUI, like saving files, function search, etc. I know it sucks. But to make it suck less.. A side note. Earlier this year I helped upgrading a bunch of Python apps for M1, which also had issues of intermittent crash and it turned out the problem was also with threads. In that case the issue was solved when some problematic lines of code were removed (calling certain parent class methods during threading).
  2. Thank you, that explains a lot. I searched online and found M (meta) usually refers to the cmd key on mac and was very confused since many of them would conflict with other commands in Opusmodus. My question is, then, what is "Alt" in the Editor Commands sheet? Is it also the option key? Is there any plan to add the custom shortcuts feature in future versions of Opusmodus?
  3. Probably spoiled by modern text editors, I was wondering if there's a way to customize keyboard shortcuts. I have checked Editor Commands in Help tab but found it really baffling. Can I change the keybinding somewhere? And what on earth am I supposed to do to type in things like M-<whatever> or C-<whatever> to trigger the commands?
  4. I share the frustration with my new Mac mini. Crashing all the time. Even when it didn't crash the processing time also seemed longer than reasonable. And it's not just OpusModus. I guess the takeaway is don't upgrade to M1 yet. It is too different and no matter how great the chip itself is, with everything else still ruled by the Intel it's just too hard to work with. But still, this has to be solved, please.
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