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extendig SINGLE-EVENTS with optional-datas (like instrument-name, or whatelse) and reading/filtering this EVENT-LIST by a key-value -> useful for instrumentation... greetings andré ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; extending single-events with optional-datas ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; SUBFUNCTION (defun memberp (n liste) (not (equal 'nil (member n liste)))) ;; MAINFUNCTION (defun create-extended-single-events (omn-list &key (optional-data1 nil) (optional-data2 nil) (optional-data3 nil)) (loop for i in (single-events omn-list) for data-cnt = 0 then (incf data-cnt) when (< (car (omn :length i)) 0) collect (append (list (first i)) (gen-repeat 6 'nil)) else collect (append (loop repeat 4 for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt) collect (nth cnt i)) (append (list (nth data-cnt optional-data1) (nth data-cnt optional-data2) (nth data-cnt optional-data3)))))) (create-extended-single-events '(e c4 mp stacc e. -h e. p ord e e4 stacc) :optional-data1 '(trp fl trp trp fl clar) :optional-data2 '(1 3 2 4 3 5 3 1 1)) ;; events are extended with the optional-data1-x => ((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 mp nil fl 3 nil) (-h nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e. c4 p ord trp 4 nil) (e e4 p stacc fl 3 nil)) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; reads events by key-values!! ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; now, with this function, you can filter all EVENTS with key-value X. all others will be replaced ;;; by RESTS, so the time-length-structure will be not destroyed. you can say: i need all EVENTS ;;; with key-value 'trp in the trumpet-voice, or all EVENTS with key-value 'c4 for .... (defun read-single-events-by (event-stream &key (key-value 'c4)) (loop for i in event-stream when (memberp key-value i) collect i else collect (append (list (length-invert (first i))) (gen-repeat 6 'nil)))) (read-single-events-by '((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) :key-value 'trp) ;; shows all EVENTS with key-value 'trp (other events are replaced by rests) => ((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (-3/16 nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) (read-single-events-by '((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) :key-value '3) ;; shows all EVENTS with key-value '3 (other events are replaced by rests) => ((-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil)) (read-single-events-by '((e c4 mp stacc trp 1 nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (e e4 p stacc trp 2 nil)) :key-value 'ord) ;; shows all EVENTS with key-value 'ord (other events are replaced by rests) => ((-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil) (e. c4 p ord fl 3 nil) (-1/8 nil nil nil nil nil nil))