This is my score everything evaluates until I get to the bottom and then I get a air a message about my use of right-hand and left-hand NOT BEING DEFINED
(setf pitches (gen-repeat 10 '(gs4 as4 bs4 cs5 ds5)))
(setf pitches2 (gen-repeat 10 '(c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 )))
(setf lengths (span pitches '(e)))
(setf rest (length-rest-weight '(2 1 ) lengths :seed 19))
(setf rest2 (length-rest-weight '(3 1) lengths :seed 17))
(setf piano-righthand
:length rest
:pitch pitches
:velocity '(f)))
(setf piano-lefthand
:length rest2
:pitch pitches2
:velocity '(f)))
(setf timesigs (get-time-signature lengths))
(def-score coolbeans
(:key-signature '(c maj)
:time-signature timesigs
:tempo 100
:layout (piano-layout 'piano-rh 'piano-lh)))
(piano-rh ;; piano-rh & piano-lh WONT EVAL
:omn piano-righthand
:channel 1
:sound 'gm
:program 'acoustic-grand-piano)
:omn piano-lefthand)