Dear Friends,
Very basic question:
I use some old VSL sample .gig files with gplayer.
I really like this libraries and the way it sounds.
The combination patches alternate sounds via keyswitches in the lower range of keyboard (or the upper range in some instruments).
Something like:
C normal sound
C# pizz
D marcato etc
Can I use this keyswitches in the OMN lingo, without having to send the midi note itself to activate the keyswitc
Dear Janusz,
I really need a more detailed example, for getting there.
I'm understanting this way:
1) There is a file with customized score layouts that probably do a "call out" of this instrument definition table and also midi ports (this point I think I got). I put my custom instrument setup in the folder /Users/acmevm/Documents/Opusmodus/Def-Libraries/Def-Instrument-Sets.
But this settings are more related to ports and channels, not articulation. There is no