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Beginner: Slonimsky 648 as a function

Wim Dijkgraaf

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Hi all,


I'm new to Lisp and new to OpusModus but have over 20 years of programming experience and an academic degree in composition. I'm having a great time learning Lisp and getting a better feel for the power of using OpusModus.


As an exercise, I would like to be able to program functions that generate Slonimsky patterns. For example pattern 648: c4 cs5 d4 ds5 e4 es5 (from c4 to c5 and back to c4). (see attached image)


Instead of making it a data list I would like to be able to program a Lisp function that generates the pattern.


Maybe someone on this forum can give me a jump start.


Many thanks in advance,


Wim Dijkgraaf



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in lisp -> create OMN with (midi-to-pitch)... 


(setq half-row (loop repeat 13
                 with interval
                 with stack = 60
                 with cnt = 0
                 when (oddp cnt) do (setq interval 13)  
                 when (evenp cnt) do (setq interval -11) 
                 when (= cnt 0) collect stack
                 else collect (setq stack (+ stack interval))
                 do (incf cnt)))


(midi-to-pitch (append half-row (reverse (butlast half-row))))

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This is a great learning experience. Both SB and AM thank you so much!!!!


Worked on page 90 of Slonimsky's book to further discover what can be done with make-scale and came up with the following:


;; Slonimsky 648
(make-scale 'c4  14 :alt '(13 -11) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 649
(make-scale 'c4  14 :alt '(13 13 -11 -11) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 650
(make-scale 'c4  13 :alt '(13 13 13 -11 -11 -11) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 651
(make-scale 'c4  13 :alt '(1 13 -11) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 652
(make-scale 'c4  13 :alt '(13 -11 1) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 653
(make-scale 'c4  13 :alt '(13 1 -11) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 654
(make-scale 'c4  13 :alt '(1 1 13 1 1 -11) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 655
(make-scale 'c2  13 :alt '(11 -1 11 -1) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 656 - has mismatch with original -> to be checked why
(make-scale 'c2  14 :alt '(11 11 -13 11) :type :pal)


;; Slonimsky 657 - has mismatch with original -> to be checked why
(make-scale 'c2  14 :alt '(11 11 11 11 -13 -13 -13) :type :pal)


It makes my day :-)


Wim Dijkgraaf

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