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I would like to change with dictum the first event in the first bar ( or whatever) to a rest of the same length.

I tried several things but could not do it.


(setf omn2 '((5q fs4 p - bb3 f3 e4 -3q g4 c5 s eb5 mf a5 cs6 gs6)
(5q gs6 f cs6 a5 eb5 - -s c5 g4 e4)))


 (dictum '( :do -5q :bar 1 :event  1 ) omn2)  ;does not work.  The length and not the rest is set.

;=>((5q fs4 p - bb3 f3 e4 -3q g4 c5 s eb5 mf a5 cs6 gs6) (5q gs6 f cs6 a5 eb5 - -s c5 g4 e4))


 (dictum '( :do -q :bar 1 :event  1 ) omn2)  ;same here

;=> ((q fs4 p -5q bb3 f3 e4 -3q g4 c5 s eb5 mf a5 cs6 gs6) (5q gs6 f cs6 a5 eb5 - -s c5 g4 e4))


A function to change a length to the same rest I did not find. 


Anyone any idea how to do that. 


Maybe a dictum option like :do :rest would be possible  (or something like this)


Probably there  is an easy way and I didn't find it.


Thank you. Works.

I was searching in the assistant for a function with "rest" in it. Didn't think about searching for "pause". 



(dictum '( :do -q :bar 1 :event  1 ) omn2)

should either throw an error if rests are not supported or change the event to a rest and not to a length.

And an option to  maybe ":do - :bar 1 :event 1" (or something like it) would be nice if you want to change for the same rest-length .




Found a few other ways.




(setf r1 (dictum '((:bar 1 :event 1 :do (gen-pause x))) omn2))
(setf r2 (dictum '((:bar 1 :event 1 :do (- (omn-encode (car x))))) omn2))
(setf r3 (dictum '((:bar 1 :event 1 :do (length-to-rest (car x) x))) omn2))
(setf r4 (dictum '((:bar 1 :event 1 :do (length-invert x))) omn2))

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