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I've been coding in python for two weeks for work and I'm now having trouble figuring out what I'm doing wrong in my lisp loops. Cursor.ai isn't helping debug my lisp at all.

I'm trying to loops through scales such as

(setf a-pitches (loop for note in scalea

                         collect (list note (+ note 4))))

And it's not evaluating. I was hoping to do this in OpusModus with a little help from cursor for lisp but that's not yielding good results. There's probably an OM function I'm not thinking of. Here's the whole set of functional code.

Any advice is appreciated.

;;; Parameters

(setf scalea '(bb3 c4 cs4 ds4 F4 G4 gs4))
(setf scaleb '(bb3 c4 cs4 d4 F4 G4 gs4))
(setf scalec '(ds3 F3 G3 gs3 as3 c4 cs4))

;;; AI code

(in-package :om)

;; Section A pitches and rhythms
(setf a-pitches (loop for note in scalea
                      collect (list note (+ note 4))))
(setf a-lengths '(q q. e q q. e q))
(setf a-dynamics '(mf mf mp mf mf mp mf))

(setf section-a-omn
      (make-omn :pitch a-pitches 
                :length a-lengths 
                :velocity a-dynamics))

;; Section B pitches and rhythms
(setf b-pitches (loop for note in scaleb
                      collect (list note (+ note 3))))
(setf b-lengths '(h q q h q q))
(setf b-dynamics '(mp mf mf mp mf mf))

(setf section-b-omn
      (make-omn :pitch b-pitches 
                :length b-lengths 
                :velocity b-dynamics))

;; Section C pitches and rhythms
(setf c-pitches (loop for note in scalec
                      collect (list note (+ note 5))))
(setf c-lengths '(q. q. q q h q))
(setf c-dynamics '(f mf mp p mp mf))

(setf section-c-omn
      (make-omn :pitch c-pitches 
                :length c-lengths 
                :velocity c-dynamics))

;; Combine sections in ABABCABAB form
(setf piano-rh
      (combine section-a-omn

;; Create left hand accompaniment
(setf lh-pitches '((bb2 f3) (c3 g3) (cs3 gs3)))
(setf lh-lengths '(h h h))
(setf lh-dynamics '(mp mp mp))

(setf piano-lh
      (make-omn :pitch lh-pitches
                :length lh-lengths
                :velocity lh-dynamics))



+ note 4 isn't going to work. Either convert the note to an integer + 4 then convert back again or use pitch-transpose.


(setf a-pitches (loop for note in scalea
                      collect (list note (integer-to-pitch (+ 4 (pitch-to-integer note))))))


(setf a-pitches (loop for note in scalea
                      collect (cons note (pitch-transpose 4 (list note)))))



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