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I am currently learning Max MSP for a project, but I would like to use a part of computing structures that I can generate much easier in Opusmodus. So I write code in OM (sorting algorithms for some clicks), test it (and modify my code), then export it to a library in Max MSP. I can now call up/coordinate the MIDI files in realtime etc ... in Max MSP.


(Workflow as a beginner in Max MSP...)








Yes, but I will control/trigger the MIDI files and their change in real time, via audio and filter thresholds (live-electronics). So this can only be done in Max MSP. 


My greatest wish: OM would be "integrated" in Max MSP. In the past there were some LISP-implementations in Max MSP, unfortunately no longer. I would be happy to expect certain processes in lists within Max (within a real time processes) and LISP/OM is optimal for this - this is much more cumbersome directly in MaxMSP

Another way would be to let OM and Max MSP run in parallel and to be able to evaluate a function in OM at a Cue from Max and then be able to use the result again in Max. Can you already do about OSC but is that very complex? Or does someone practice that?


I totally agree, that would be significant improvement. I have thoughts that maybe it's not possible since computing time is quite long in OM?


Andre, have you already done this with OSC?


hi there, i tried it NOW with receiving OSC (sending works fine), but i don't know to do it for RECEIVE... here is a sketch, but don^t work, any help?? i think it could be very very useful!!! janusz? 😄 


SENDING - works fine!! you can send ANY messages (data format) via OSC (more open then the original OM-version)


(defun osc-send (&rest args)
      ((host #(127 0 0 1)) ;; host
       (port 7500) ;; port
       (s (usocket:socket-connect host port
                           :protocol :datagram
                           :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
        (b (apply' osc:encode-message args)))
    (format t "sending to ~a on port ~A~%~%" host port)
         (usocket:socket-send s b (length b))
      (when s (usocket:socket-close s)))))

(osc-send  "/player" "120" 1 1 1)
(osc-send "/beat" "defer" 0 "duration" 1 "pattern" 12)



RECEIVING - error/crash/don't stop receiving?  (i'm a bad programmer for such things :-)) i tried to adapt a function from the NET


(defun osc-receive-test (port)
  (let* ((host #(127 0 0 1)) ;; host
       (port 7500) ;; port
       (s (usocket:socket-connect host port
                           :protocol :datagram
                           :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
	(buffer (make-sequence '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) 1024)))
    (format t "listening on localhost port ~A~%~%" host port)
	 (loop do
	      (usocket:socket-receive s buffer (length buffer))
	      (format t "received -=> ~S~%" (osc:decode-bundle buffer)))
      (when s (usocket:socket-close s)))))

 (osc-receive-test 7500) ;; never closing/stoping



here is the MAX-HELP to check this side




to receive data from Max MSP to...


1) start/eval functions  by MAX  in OM

2) to produce "new lists" (and sending it back to Max) based on data received from MAX (could be any data, internal processes , sensor data, whatever)... 


so you could produce data for future processes in MAX (for realtime) based on incoming data... 


years ago there were some LISP-inplementations in MAX (don't work anymore), but perhaps the communication via OSC would work too... and could be a simple solution. just having an "INTERFACE"



Lisper is an easy to use interface between Max/MSP and Common Lisp - thealexgraham/lisper



What data is required, and how should it be interpreted for evaluation? How would you input new data into a function? To assess this functionality, I need concrete examples, including both input and output.


A convulsive example could be: I have a process running in Max MSP (pulse in constantly changing current values), these are influenced via an audio signal. If a certain value is reached (threshold value), MaxMSP should send the last 20 values to OM. OM then sorts these values in a new sequence, sends them back to Max and reads them again as a current values.


Instead of sorting, other complex functions of OM could also be applied to these values and then reinterpreted.

I think you could use the specific skills of the platforms and have them interacted.


just sending LISTS between the platforms and starting to EVAL in OM


MAX send could be a just MESSAGE, receiving too.  one MAX-bang should send  a "message", like shown in the MAX-patch


Andre, I need examples, function examples. What data comes in and where. I am talking about imaginery function of course.

I am not looking for Max lesson 🙂


(osc-prompt (vector-map '(.4 .5 .3 .2) (osc-receive "values")) "triger-id")




(setf osc-data1 (gen-osc-data 4 (osc-recive "values")
                              :time '(1/2 1/4 1/12 1/12 1/12)
                              :min 0.0
                              :max 1.0
                              :bpm 120))
(defparameter max '( 10000))
(setf thd1 (create-osc-thread "thread1" Max))
(osc-prompt (send-osc-data thd1 osc-data1) "trigger-id") ; nil or t or ?


Something like that. Concrete examples of use.

Posted (edited)

this is the working example for send. very basic, i can send all in my FORMAT, i used i for several pieces... (but just SEND)


;; the function

(defun osc-send (&rest args)
      ((host #(127 0 0 1)) ;; host
       (port 7500) ;; port
       (s (usocket:socket-connect host port
                           :protocol :datagram
                           :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
        (b (apply' osc:encode-message args)))
    (format t "sending to ~a on port ~A~%~%" host port)
         (usocket:socket-send s b (length b))
      (when s (usocket:socket-close s)))))

;; the examples - i'm sending the data the receiver needs / open, a non-pretermined ... 

(osc-send  "/player" "120" 1 1 1)
(osc-send "/beat" "defer" 0 "duration" 1 "pattern" 12)

;; could also be/new?:  (osc-send '(1 2 3 4 5))



RECEIVE VALUES - for me, two main ideas


;;; DATA RECEIVE - with port host
;; for example: 
;; sended in OSC: "1 4.5 5000 n" => comes in in OM as '(1 4.5 5000 n) or as a string "1 4.5 5000 n"
;;;(setf alist (osc-receive))

;;; EVAL RECEIVE - with port host
;;; for example when sended in OSC "eval", then the function OM inside evaluates...
;;; (osc-eval (gen-sort '(rnd-order '(3 3 6 5 4 3 1)))
;;; => 


such a formated datastructure  is too restrective to use OSC really "OPEN"... it makes sense for some "reaktor"... it is interesting too keep it open?

:time '(1/2 1/4 1/12 1/12 1/12)
                              :min 0.0
                              :max 1.0
                              :bpm 120))



Edited by AM

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