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I have a lisp function called convert-chord-symbols-to-notes which works but is outputting backslashes.

The function for D#/Eb is as follows


(defun convert-chord-symbol-to-notes (chord-symbol)
  ;; D# / Eb chords
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#sus2) (equal chord-symbol 'ebsus2)) '(d#4 f4 a#4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#maj) (equal chord-symbol 'ebmaj)) '(d#4 g4 a#4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#m) (equal chord-symbol 'ebm)) '(d#4 f#4 a#4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#7) (equal chord-symbol 'eb7)) '(d#4 g4 a#4 c#5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#m7) (equal chord-symbol 'ebm7)) '(d#4 f#4 a#4 c#5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#maj7) (equal chord-symbol 'ebmaj7)) '(d#4 g4 a#4 d5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#9) (equal chord-symbol 'eb9)) '(d#4 g4 a#4 c#5 f5))
 ;; Error handling for unrecognized chords
    (t (error "Chord symbol not recognized"))))


If I use the function, I would expect the follwing:


(setf notes (convert-chord-symbol-to-notes 'ebmaj7))
>(d#4 g4 a#4 d5)

However, what I'm getting is:

(setf notes (convert-chord-symbol-to-notes 'ebmaj7))
>(d\#4 g4 a\#4 d5)


I've added another function:

(defun remove-backslashes (string)
  (remove #\\ string))

And used that on the output as a new variable. There were no errors and the code evaluated fine but the output still had backslashes.
I also added the remove-backlslashes function into the convert-chord-symbols-to-notes. Again, it evaluated without errors but the backslashes were still there.

Any ideas what's causing this or, more importantly, how to fix it?


Tom Tolleson


OM don't use # but s for sharps.




(defun convert-chord-symbol-to-notes (chord-symbol)
  ;; D# / Eb chords
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#sus2) (equal chord-symbol 'ebsus2)) '(ds4 f4 as4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#maj) (equal chord-symbol 'ebmaj)) '(ds4 g4 as4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#m) (equal chord-symbol 'ebm)) '(ds4 fs4 as4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#7) (equal chord-symbol 'eb7)) '(ds4 g4 as4 cs5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#m7) (equal chord-symbol 'ebm7)) '(ds4 fs4 as4 cs5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#maj7) (equal chord-symbol 'ebmaj7)) '(ds4 g4 as4 d5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'd#9) (equal chord-symbol 'eb9)) '(ds4 g4 as4 cs5 f5))
 ;; Error handling for unrecognized chords
    (t (error "Chord symbol not recognized"))))
(setf notes (convert-chord-symbol-to-notes 'ebmaj7))
(setf notes (convert-chord-symbol-to-notes 'd#maj7))





(defun convert-chord-symbol-to-notes (chord-symbol)
  ;; D# / Eb chords
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'dssus2) (equal chord-symbol 'ebsus2)) '(ds4 f4 as4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'dsmaj) (equal chord-symbol 'ebmaj)) '(ds4 g4 as4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'dsm) (equal chord-symbol 'ebm)) '(ds4 fs4 as4))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'ds7) (equal chord-symbol 'eb7)) '(ds4 g4 as4 cs5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'dsm7) (equal chord-symbol 'ebm7)) '(ds4 fs4 as4 cs5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'dsmaj7) (equal chord-symbol 'ebmaj7)) '(ds4 g4 as4 d5))
    ((or (equal chord-symbol 'ds9) (equal chord-symbol 'eb9)) '(ds4 g4 as4 cs5 f5))
 ;; Error handling for unrecognized chords
    (t (error "Chord symbol not recognized"))))
(setf notes (convert-chord-symbol-to-notes 'ebmaj7))
(setf notes (convert-chord-symbol-to-notes 'dsmaj7))

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