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Dear community Where is the error? I try this setup and want to send the program changes, but it doesn't work. What is wrong? I don't see it 😄  thanks for some help - andré
the setup...
   '(ads "ads")
   '(ord "ord")
   '(msp "msp")
   '(st "st")
   '(wk "wk")
   '(lt "lt")
   '(bartok "bartok")
   '(gett "gett")
   '(pizz "pizz")
   '(lbup "lbup")
   '(lbdown "lbdown")
   '(lb1 "lb1")
   '(lb2 "lb2")
   '(lb3 "lb3")
   '(lb4 "lb4")
   '(kdecke "kdecke")
   '(kzarge "kzarge")
     '(harm1 "harm1")
     '(harm2 "harm2")
     '(harm3 "harm3")
     '(harm4 "harm4")
     '(harm5 "harm5")))

  (def-sound-set cb-prog 
    (:group contrabass
     ord 0
     msp 1
     st 2
     wk 3
     lt 4
     gett 6
     ads 7
     pizz 10
     lbup 11
     lbdown 12
     bartok 13
     lb1 20 
     lb2 21
     lb3 22 
     lb4 23
     kdecke 29
     kzarge 30
     harm1 41
     harm2 42
     harm3 43
     harm4 44
     harm5 45)))


test for score... i do not recieve program changes, why?

;; some test...

(setf kb '(q e4 pp lt q q q) 
      epl1 '(q e4 pp pizz q q q)
      epl2 '(q e4 pp msp  q q q)


(def-score test
    (:title "test"
     :key-signature 'atonal
     :time-signature '(4 4)
     :tempo '(120)

     :layout (list
                   (contrabass-layout 'kb)
                   (contrabass-layout 'epl1)
                   (contrabass-layout 'epl2)))

    (kb :omn kb
        :channel 1
        :port 15
        :sound 'cb-prog)
    (epl1 :omn epl1
          :channel 1
          :port 0
          :sound 'cb-prog)
    (epl2 :omn epl2
          :channel 1
          :port 12
          :sound 'cb-prog))



I don't see any problem with your code, accept attributes names which are part of the defualt system like 'pizz and 'ord. You should not use already existing attributes in the add-text-attribute function listing.

;;; New the arrtibutes:
 '(ads "ads")
 '(msp "msp")
 '(st "st")
 '(wk "wk")
 '(lt "lt")
 '(bartok "bartok")
 '(gett "gett")
 '(lbup "lbup")
 '(lbdown "lbdown")
 '(lb1 "lb1")
 '(lb2 "lb2")
 '(lb3 "lb3")
 '(lb4 "lb4")
 '(kdecke "kdecke")
 '(kzarge "kzarge")
 '(harm1 "harm1")
 '(harm3 "harm3")
 '(harm4 "harm4")
 '(harm5 "harm5"))

;;; New Sound-Set:
(def-sound-set cb-prog 
  (:group contrabass
   ord 0
   msp 1
   st 2
   wk 3
   lt 4
   gett 6
   ads 7
   pizz 10
   lbup 11
   lbdown 12
   bartok 13
   lb1 20 
   lb2 21
   lb3 22 
   lb4 23
   kdecke 29
   kzarge 30
   harm1 41
   harm2 42
   harm3 43
   harm4 44
   harm5 45)

  (:group General
   Bank-Select             0 
   Modulation              1 
   Breath-Control          2 
   Foot-Control            4 
   Portamento-Time         5  
   Data-Entry              6 
   Volume                  7 
   Balance                 8 
   Pan                    10 
   Expression             11 
   Effects-Controller1    12
   Effects-Controller2    13
   Gen-Purpose1           16
   Gen-Purpose2           17
   Gen-Purpose3           18
   Gen-Purpose4           19
   :group LSB
   Bank-Select-LSB        32
   Modulation-LSB         33
   Breath-Control-LSB     34
   Foot-Control-LSB       36
   Portamento-Time-LSB    37
   Data-Entry-LSB         38
   Volume-LSB             39
   Balance-LSB            40
   Pan-LSB                42
   Expression-LSB         43
   Gen-Purpose1-LSB       48
   Gen-Purpose2-LSB       49
   Gen-Purpose3-LSB       50
   Gen-Purpose4-LSB       51
   :group Pedal
   Ped                    64
   Sost-Ped               66
   Una-Corda              67
   Legato-Ped             68
   Hold2                  69
   Sound-Variation        70
   Resonance              71
   Release-Time           72
   Attack-Time            73
   Cut-Off-Frequency      74
   Decay-Time             75
   Vibrato-Rate           76
   Vibrato-Depth          77
   Vibrato-Delay          78
   Gen-Purpose5           80
   Gen-Purpose6           81
   Gen-Purpose7           82
   Gen-Purpose8           83
   Portamento-Control     84
   Reverb-Depth           91
   Tremolo-Depth          92
   Chorus-Depth           93
   Celeste-De-Tune        94
   Phaser-Depth           95
   Data-Increment         96
   Data-Decrement         97
   Non-Reg-Param-LSB      98
   Non-Reg-Param          99
   Reg-Param-LSB         100
   Reg-Param             101
   All-Sound-Off         120
   Reset-All-Controllers 121
   Local-Control         122
   All-Notes-Off         123
   Omni-Off              124
   Omni-On               125
   Mono-On               126
   Poly-On               127)

;;; Score:
 kb '(q e4 pp lt q q q) 
 epl1 '(q e4 pp lb2 q q q)
 epl2 '(q e4 pp msp  q q q)

(def-score test
    (:title "test"
     :key-signature 'atonal
     :time-signature '(4 4)
     :tempo '(120)
     :layout (list
              (contrabass-layout 'kb)
              (contrabass-layout 'epl1)
              (contrabass-layout 'epl2)))
    (kb :omn kb
        :channel 1
        :port 15
        :sound 'cb-prog)
    (epl1 :omn epl1
          :channel 1
          :port 0
          :sound 'cb-prog)
    (epl2 :omn epl2
          :channel 1
          :port 12
          :sound 'cb-prog))


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