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What function would I use if I have a list of ascending pitches and I want to generate a sequence that would gradually work its way up from lowest to highest pitch ( or vice versa), with some control over volatility and how quickly the seq goes from low to highest?   So far I've found the brownian motion sample function with a "drift" arg for doing something like this.  Are there other functions for doing this kind of thing? 


What I have in mind is something like the first 13 bars of Varese's Density 21.5, where there's a gradual upward trajectory in pitch, culminating in bar 13. 






a quick idea: if you would do it with rnd-walk and use it as positions  in a pitchfield, you have a some global control over all parameters.

pitchfields are - in my opinion - useful, because you have some nice vertical control. you don't have this if you simply have the random walk out of the pitches directly.


  ;; do a rnd-walk with tendency
  (setf walk (gen-walk 24 :step '(1 2 3) :backward 0.3 :forward 0.7))

  ;; transform it to positions in a pitchfield and "reset list" if min-val < 0
  (setf positions (cumulative-sums walk))
  (setf positions (if (< (find-min positions) 0)
                       (x+b positions (abs (find-min positions)))

  ;; define a pitchfield (or chord)
  (setf pitchfield (append (expand-tonality '(b3 messiaen-mode6))
                           (expand-tonality '(b4 messiaen-mode5))
                           (expand-tonality '(b5 messiaen-mode4))
                           (expand-tonality '(b6 messiaen-mode3))))
  ;; reading pitchfield by positions
  (position-filter (cumulative-sums walk) pitchfield))



Here's  function I've made few years ago, hope it help:


;;; SB 1.11.21
(defun pitch-trajectory (nbpitch range tendency 
                                 (variance 0.5) 
                                 (type :around) 
                                 (quantize 1/2) 
                                 (smooth 1)
                                 (output 'pitch)
                                 (int-range '(0 24))
  (setf seed (rnd-seed seed))
  (do-verbose ("pitch-trajectory :seed ~s" seed)
  (let* ((values (gen-tendency nbpitch tendency :variance variance :type type 
                           :seed (seed)))
         (smoothedval (vector-smooth smooth values))
         (out (cond ((equal output 'pitch)
                     (vector-to-pitch range smoothedval :quantize quantize))
                    ((equal output 'int)
                     (vector-round (car int-range) (cadr int-range) smoothedval)))))
    (if filter-repeat 
      (filter-repeat filter-repeat out)

;;; Test du bon fonctionnement du seed
(init-seed 1)
(rnd-sample 4 '(c4 d4 e4 f4))
(rnd-sample 4 '(c4 d4 e4 f4))
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1))
(init-seed nil)

;;; Tests divers
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234)
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234 :filter-repeat 1)
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234 
                  :filter-repeat 1
                  :variance 1
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234 
                  :filter-repeat 1
                  :variance 0.1
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234 
                  :filter-repeat 1
                  :smooth 0.1
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234 
                  :filter-repeat 1
                  :quantize 1/4
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234 
                  :filter-repeat 1
                  :quantize 1/8
(pitch-trajectory 32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234 
                  :filter-repeat 1
                  :variance 1
                  :quantize 1/8

  32 '(c4 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) :seed 1234)

;;; pitch-ouput 

 (pitch-trajectory 128 '(fs3 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) 
                   :filter-repeat 1
                   :variance 0.8
                   :output 'pitch

;;; integer-output for MAPPING

 (pitch-trajectory 128 '(fs3 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) 
                   :filter-repeat 1
                   :variance 0.8
                   :output 'int
                   :int-range '(0 23)

;;; MAPPING the integers on a scale or pitchfield

  for i in (pitch-trajectory 128 '(fs3 g5) '(0.1 1 0.1) 
                   :filter-repeat 1
                   :variance 0.8
                   :output 'int
                   :int-range '(0 23))
  with scale = (make-scale 'c2 24 :alt '(1 2))
  collect (nth i scale))

  for i in (pitch-trajectory 128 '(fs3 g5) '(0.1 3 0.1) 
                   :filter-repeat 1
                   :variance 0.9
                   :output 'int
                   :int-range '(0 23))
  with scale = (make-scale 'c2 24 :alt '(2 1 6 5 4))
  collect (nth i scale))

;;; an example with MAPPING and SAMPLING

  (setf seq (loop 
              for i in (pitch-trajectory 64 '(fs2 g6) '(0.1 3 0.1) 
                                          :filter-repeat 1
                                          :variance 0.4
                                          :output 'int
                                          :int-range '(0 23))
            with scale = (make-scale 'c2 24 :alt '(2 1 6 5 4))
              collect (nth i scale)))
  (make-omn :pitch (flatten (loop repeat 20 collect (rnd-sample-seq (rnd-pick '(11 17 29)) seq)))
            :length (rnd-sample 20 '((s s s s)(t t t t t t t t)(e e)))

It comes from this interesting discussion with Andre:



Thank you all, will have a look.  Am hoping a function like this could be included/simplified as an OM system function, since the idea of a direction/trajectory seems basic and something others would want too.  

4 hours ago, eboats said:

Thank you all, will have a look.  Am hoping a function like this could be included/simplified as an OM system function, since the idea of a direction/trajectory seems basic and something others would want too.  

Iti is very easy with OM to do pitch trajectories by generating some vectors and use vector-map to map then on anything. A good suggestion for controlled vector generation could be gen-tendency function.

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