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Hi guys,


I am trying to work with some music recorded freely and thus with no quantised meter, one of the snippets looks like this:

(setf longlist '(-27881/1920 181/480^281/240 d4 p 5t..^h_e_s_x as2 mp
                 739/1920^q_5w fs3 5u^h_q_e_t_15e ds2 331/960^451/960
                 gs3 q_e_x_u_3x^h_x_3t as3 q_t_x_u_3x fs3 -t_u_3x
                 133/384^h_e_s_t_3x gs3 q_x_u_3x ds5 mf -s_3t
                 e_x_15e^q_e_s_15h fs3 pp 43/320 ds5 mp -301/1920
                 163/384^1139/1920 gs3 q_e_u^803/640 d4 mf 3t^223/640
                 as2 mp 243/640^q_e_t.. fs3 17/640^221/1920 ds2
                 141/320^q_e_s_t_x_15e gs3 347/960^h_t as3 pp 217/640
                 fs3 -3x 589/1920^h_e_s_t_u gs3 p 89/480 ds5 -e_s_u
                 e_x_u_3x^h_x_u_3x fs3 pp s_t_x_u_3x ds5 -e_s_3e
                 371/960^211/384 gs3 mp t_x_15s^h_t_x_15s b1
                 145/384^w_q_t_u_3x d4 mf 5s^q_s_t_u fs2 mp
                 631/1920^q_e_s_x_15e fs3 t_5s^3q d3 43/120^h_e_s_5q gs3
                 113/320^73/120 as3 3t^q_e_t_x_5s fs2 3w^487/960 fs3
                 3t^647/960 gs3 q_s_3t^h_q_u b1 121/384^h_e_s_t.. d4 mf
                 15t^q_e_u_3x fs3 mp q_s_u_3x^751/1920 fs2 5u^77/640 d3
                 mf 11/240^11/15 gs3 163/640 as3 -t_15e
                 q_3e^h_e_s_x_u_3x d4 19/384^q_e_t_x_u_3x fs2 mp
                 109/384^q_s.. fs3 x.^757/384 b1 t_3x^h_q_u gs3 497/1920
                 as3 -15e.. q_s_t_x_5t^h_q_s_t_x_u_5t d4 mf
                 u_15s^q_e_t_3x fs3 mp q_s_x^163/480 fs2 47/1920^91/960
                 d3 q_e_t_3x^q_e_t_3s gs3 mf q_e_x^h_s_t_5e as3 e_s_t..
                 d4 mp -e_x_15s 401/960^h_s_t_x_u_5t as4 43/384^q_u gs1
                 139/384^q_e_t_x_u_3x as5 p x_u_3x^763/1920 d4 mp
                 e_x_u_3x^q_e_u as4 89/960 as5 -43/384 5u^h_3t ds4
                 679/1920^h_3t fs4 15x^s_u gs2 pp 89/960 ds3 -e_s_x_u_3x
                 u_15s^613/1920 d4 mp 331/960 as4 -15u 5s^359/1920 ds4 p
                 e_t_3x fs4 pp - 3h as5 mf - 3u^643/1920 d4 p
                 e_s_t_u_3x^q_e_3s as4 pp 43/384 as5 p -31/640
                 15s^317/1920 fs4 pp 167/960 ds4 -q_3h u_3x^q_t. d4 mp
                 q_s_3x as4 -3t 5u^e_15s fs4 e_15q ds4 -q_e_u_15s
                 u_5t^q_5e. d4 x.^109/384 as4 31/640^t_x_u_3x fs5 mf
                 t_x_5t^137/1920 cs6 t.^t_x_u_15s f6 t_u_3x^s_3t ds6 mp
                 133/1920^q_e_3t as5 15x^s_15q ds4 t_3s fs4 -e_x.
                 s_u_15s^43/384 ds5 41/960^343/1920 gs5 mf 15q..^h_e_s_x
                 as2 287/960^331/480 f3 3u^q_e_3s b4 mp 781/1920^163/384
                 e4 15u^611/1920 f4 347/960^q_e_5s gs4 15u^h_t.. gs2 p
                 223/640^587/960 ds3 u_3x^q_e_t d4 mp 63/160^q_e_t.. as4
                 5u^s_t_3x fs4 p 31/320 ds4 -q_e_s_t_u_3x 15x^q_t_x_5s
                 d4 mp 43/1920^271/960 as4 t_x_5s fs5 mf -15x
                 11/240^23/320 cs6 5q f6 mp -15u t_5s^t_x_5s ds6
                 s_x_15e^q_e_x_3t as5 mf 15u^23/320 ds4 mp t_x_5s fs4
                 -137/960 139/1920^53/640 ds5 p 77/1920^341/1920 gs5 mf
                 5u^443/640 as2 mp 217/640^h_e_s_t_x_15e f3 5s^q_e_t_u
                 e4 q_e_u_3x^q_e_5e. b4 15x^e_s_t_3s f4 629/1920 gs4
                 -s_15h 5x^697/640 gs2 397/960^h_q_e_t.. ds3
                 15x^q_e_t_x_15e d4 q_e_t_5s^467/960 as4 15s..^e_t_5s
                 ds4 89/480 fs4))

when I do an 'audition omn' command-1, I get the error below, am I right in suspecting it is because there is no meter? I tried get and calculate time signature just in case I could get some crazy irrational value just to satisfy the software, but it doesn't work either... admittedly I am not using the language to make a score but to manipulate an existing performance. This is the error:

Error: The GET-SPAN output denominator is not a power of two (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...). Denominator: 640.
> While executing: (:internal get-time-signature-l get-time-signature), in process Listener-1(7).


Thanks for your help!


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