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append item to all sublists


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I have this list of lists (will have much more sublists) :

'((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s==) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s==) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s==))

I want to append e.g. a 'q to the end of each list.

Is there a function I could use?

How would you do this?


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like that?


;; as lisp-code ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(setf alist '((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s==) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s==) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s==)))

(loop for i in alist
      collect (append i (list 'q)))

=> ((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s== q) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s== q) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s== q))

;; as lisp-function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

(defun append-value (lists value)
  (loop for i in lists
      collect (append i (list value))))

(append-value alist 'q)

=> ((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s== q) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s== q) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s== q))


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Thank you AM.

That would work.


I found this in the opusmodus functions. 

(setf alist '((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s==) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s==) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s==)))


(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (append x '(q) )) alist).  

=> ((s -s s== -s -s== s== -s s -s s -s s -s== q) (s== -s s -s s== -s s -s== s== -s s -s s -s== q) (s -s== s -s s -s s== -s s -s== q))

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Yes, looks complicated. I used the loop advice now. Easier to understand. 

I was looking for a function without a loop, but then you have to use a lambda expression.

To get into the loop-macro with all its possibilities is still on my list. But the collect does all I need.

I get the idea that learning the loop-macro features is worth the effort.


Thanks again.


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