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(setf test '((q a4 mf e a4 p e gs4 f  e4 mp g4 p) 
               (q a4 e e gs4 e4 d4)))
(setf one '(1 3))
(dictum '(:remove :event :bar 1 :event one) test)

This gives an error, is there a way to use variables for keywords?


Thanks and Happy Easter everybody 🙂


Edit: Just checked another function (randomly choosen). Here a variable for a keyword works fine.

My guess is that it has to do with the quotation mark inside the dictum, is there a way around this?


(setf test-2  '((q a4 mf e a4 p e gs4 f  e4 mp g4 p) 
               (q a4 e e gs4 e4 d4) 
               (e e4 g4 e4 g4 q a4)))
(setf sec '(0 2))
(pitch-transpose '(7 -5 ) test-2 :section sec)
==>((q e5 e p eb5 f b4 mp d5 p) (q a4 p e e gs4 e4 d4) (e b3 p d4 b3 d4 q e4))



Its an  accent grave and a comma, right?

How can  get some background knowledge about that, what is it called, I remember I saw that  before..

Anyway thanks a lot Stéphane!!






The DICTUM function is design to be the last function you are using in your composition - manual and rule base edit.

Therefore there is no need for variables here.


The dictum itself can be a list of variables:

   (:range (7q e.) :apply (dechord x))
   (:range (7q s) :apply marc)
   (:range (h. 1) :apply (pfp2-a pfp))
   (:range (ws 2) :apply (pfp3-a pfp))
   (:any q :apply ponte)
   (:any e :apply ric)
   (:apply marc :bar (1 157))
   ;(:apply spicc :bar (4))
   (:apply mart :bar (178 179 180 181))
   (:butlast leg :bar (158))
   (:apply tasto :bar (53 59 61 156 166 167))
   (:sub (-q) :bar (10 13 21 33 34 35 36)) 
 '((:range (7q e.) :apply (dechord x))
   (:range (7q s) :apply marc)
   (:range (h. 1) :apply (pfp2-a pfp))
   (:range (ws 2) :apply (pfp3-a pfp))
   (:any q :apply ponte)
   (:any e :apply ric)
   (:apply marc :bar (1))
   ;(:apply spicc :bar (4))
   (:apply mart :bar (177))
   (:apply leg :bar (157))
   (:butlast leg :bar (158 170 182))
   (:apply tasto :bar (21 59 60 156 166 167))
   (:sub (-q) :bar (19 39 42 74))
   (:range (7q e.) :apply (dechord x))
   (:range (7q s) :apply marc)
   (:range (h. 1) :apply (pfp2-a pfp))
   (:range (ws 2) :apply (pfp3-a pfp))
   (:any q :apply ponte)
   (:any e :apply ric)
   (:apply marc :bar (1 3 5 6 7))
   (:apply ric :bar (4))
   (:apply spicc :bar (168))
   (:apply leg :bar (157))
   (:butlast leg :bar (158 182))
   (:apply tasto :bar (21 53 59 60 155 156 166 167))
   (:sub (-q) :bar (39 42 47 50 51 61 68 71))
   (:range (7q e.) :apply (dechord x))
   (:range (7q s) :apply marc)
   (:range (h. 1) :apply (pfp2-a pfp))
   (:range (ws 2) :apply (pfp3-a pfp))
   (:any q :apply ponte)
   (:any e :apply ric)
   (:apply marc :bar (1))
   ;(:apply ric :bar (4))
   (:apply leg :bar (157))
   (:butlast leg :bar (158 170 182))
   (:apply tasto :bar (53 59 61 155 156 166 167))
   (:sub (-q) :bar (11 12 16 18))

 3-v1 (dictum 3-dm1 3-v1)
 3-v2 (dictum 3-dm2 3-v2)
 3-v3 (dictum 3-dm3 3-v3)
 3-v4 (dictum 3-dm4 3-v4)



Ok, so I have a (so far ready)OM-score and I want to mute (= change into a rest) every other note (regardless of changing meters). How would I do that?



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