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Does anyone know if there's a function that outputs a number of beats from every measure in an omn sequence, given the denominator? For example with the eighth-note denominator, ((-e a3f4d5 q f4d5a5) (q a3e4c5 q e4c5a5) (-e a3g4e5 h g4e5a5)) would output (3, 4, 5).


Thank you!


violà... here's a solution...

but: you have a wrong OMN-structure in your code (-e a3f4d5 q ... => a rest followed by a pitch, i corrected it



(setf omnlist '((-e q f4d5a5) (q a3e4c5 q e4c5a5) (-e  h g4e5a5)))

(defun countbeats (omnlist &key (denom '1/8))
  (loop for i in omnlist
    collect (/ (sum (abs! (flatten (omn :length i)))) denom)))

(countbeats omnlist)
=> (3 4 5)

(countbeats omnlist :denom 1/16)
=> (6 8 10)



@André: isnt it so, that the length value is valid until the next length value regardless if its a rest or not?

Please correct me if I'am wrong..

(omn :length '((-e a3f4d5 q f4d5a5) (q a3e4c5 q e4c5a5) (-e a3g4e5 h g4e5a5))) 
==>((-1/8 1/8 1/4) (1/4 1/4) (-1/8 1/8 1/2))



yes, but it's - in my opinion - not very clear like that. difference: what you see and... what you get...


i always write it like this:


'((-e e a3f4d5 q f4d5a5) (q a3e4c5 q e4c5a5) (-e e a3g4e5 h g4e5a5)))


it makes more practical sense to me

... but my functions works for BOTH

(setf mat '((-e a3f4d5 q f4d5a5) (q a3e4c5 q e4c5a5) (-e a3g4e5 h g4e5a5)))

(get-time-signature mat)
=> ((2 4 2) (3 4 1))

(get-time-signature mat :group :numerator)
=> (((2) 4 2) ((3) 4 1))

(get-time-signature mat :group :denominator)
=> (((1 1) 4 2) ((1 1 1) 4 1))

(get-span mat)
=> (1/2 1/2 3/4)


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