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Great piece! I understand that the dictum function replaced omn-dictum. Just curious how to rewrite the code by replacing the omn-dictum with the updated dictum function?


Thank you!


More functionality in MICROPOLYPHONE to control the complexity:


  (setf interval-series '((0) (1 -1 2 -2) (6 -6 11 -11) (13 -13)))
   1/16 1/4
   :intervals interval-series
   :interval-prob '(.2 .2 .3 .3)
   :length-prob '(.1 .9 .5 .9)
   :proportional t
   :index 'a
   :seed 830134
   :span 7
   1/16 1/2
   :intervals interval-series
   :interval-prob '(.2 .2 .3 .9)
   :length-prob '(.2 .9 .4 .9)
   :proportional t
   :index 'b
   :seed 855650
   :span 13
   rh-a (quantize (ambitus-chord 13 (dissolve-voices (merge-voices a1 a2))) '(1 2 4))
   lh-a (quantize (ambitus-chord 13 (dissolve-voices (merge-voices a3 a4))) '(1 2 4))
   rh-b (quantize (ambitus-chord 13 (dissolve-voices (merge-voices b1 b2))) '(1 2 4))
   lh-b (quantize (ambitus-chord 13 (dissolve-voices (merge-voices b3 b4))) '(1 2 4))
   rh-1 (omn-to-time-signature (assemble-seq rh-a rh-b) '(4 4))
   lh-1 (omn-to-time-signature (assemble-seq lh-a lh-b) '(4 4))
   rh (dictum '((:do p)
                (:do mf :bar (1..5))
                (:do > :bar (5..7 16..20))
                (:last pp :bar 20)
                (:last fermata :bar 20))
   lh (dictum '((:do p)
                (:do mf :bar (1..5))
                (:do > :bar (5..7 16..20))
                (:last pp :bar 20)
                (:last fermata :bar 20))
  (ps 'gm
      :p (list (ambitus '(0 45) rh) (ambitus '(-32 -1) lh))
      :tempo 112)


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