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Dear all


Is there some way to make a processing of accidentals in the make-omn expression or even later, in the PS expression ?


Something like:


bar #1 all sharps

bar#2 all flats



I noticed that after many sucessive list processing, my original notes were altered. 


Thanks !

Best !


  • 3 weeks later...

After any pitch processing (conversion to numbers) the system will use the default accidentals:

c cs4 d eb e f fs g gs a bb b




But the purpose of omn-dictum, according to the documentation is to provide the possibiliry of revisions : "The dictum arguments can be seen  as maps, rules or handwritten corrections to a final score." So, this kind of revision is typical.

Maybe keywords like :flats and :sharps


Something like:


(omn-dictum '((e stacc 1) (:sharps 2) (3q leg 2)) omn2)


Best !






(omn-dictum '((e stacc 1) (:all :sharp 2) (3q leg 2)) omn2)
(omn-dictum '((e stacc 1) (bb4 :sharp) (3q leg 2)) omn2)


(omn-dictum '((:all :sharp 1) (:all :flat 2))
            '((q bb4 leg a4 mp leg gs4 a4 f) (q bb4 leg a4 mp leg gs4 a4 f)))

Screenshot 2021-04-12 at 08.11.20.png


REWRITE-ACCIDENTALS - in forthcoming release.


(setf sequence
      '((q d4 pp s eb4 leg g4 p leg bb4 leg a4)
        (q. cs5 mf -e 3q gs5 leg fs5 leg c5 b4 ff leg f4 leg e4)))

(rewrite-accidentals sequence :map :chromatic)
=> ((q d4 pp s ds4 leg g4 p leg bb4 leg a4) (q. cs5 mf -e 3q ab5 leg gb5 leg c5 b4 ff leg f4 leg e4))

(rewrite-accidentals sequence :map :sharp)
=> ((q d4 pp s ds4 leg g4 p leg as4 leg a4) (q. cs5 mf -e 3q gs5 leg fs5 leg c5 b4 ff leg f4 leg e4))

(rewrite-accidentals sequence :map :flat)
=> ((q d4 pp s eb4 leg g4 p leg bb4 leg a4) (q. db5 mf -e 3q ab5 leg gb5 leg c5 b4 ff leg f4 leg e4))


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