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How to set cc value in the Def-Instrument-Sets file


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I want to set the vibrato amount of the string library I use for ps to 0.

Its on cc21.

I can't figure out in which form I have to put it in the Def-Instrument-Sets file:

          :v1 (:layout treble-layout
                       :port "OM-VE1"
                       :channel 12
                       :controllers (21 '(0))  ;this does not work
                       :sound 'sq-sf
                       :volume 127)

thanks for help!


best  ole


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(ps 'gm :ob (list p1 :cc '(expression (gen-dynamic-controller p1))))

(ps 'gm :b5 (list
             (list p1 :cc '(expression (gen-dynamic-controller p1)))
             (list p2 :cc '(expression (gen-dynamic-controller p2)))
             (list p3 :cc '(expression (gen-dynamic-controller p3)))
             (list p4 :cc '(expression (gen-dynamic-controller p4)))
             (list p5 :cc '(expression (gen-dynamic-controller p5)))))


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Ok, now I made it work, following the trail you made:

(defun novib (x)
 '(0) '(0)(gen-dynamic-controller x)))


(setf test4 '(q c4 b3 d4 b3 e4 b3 fs5 - e4))

(ps 'vep
    :va (list  test4
              :cc '(21 (novib test4)))   

is this the way to go or is there something more simple to achive the same thing..?

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So, it could also be something like this:


(ps 'vep
    :va (list  test4
              :cc '(21 (gen-controller 2 '(0) :time (omn :length test4))))


or like this:

(setf lensum (list (list '0 (find-sum (omn :length test4)))))
(ps 'vep
    :va (list  test4
              :cc '(21 lensum))


or an increasing vibrato as in the def-score docs:

(ps 'vep
    :va (list  test4
              :cc '(21 '((:asc 0 127 1/4 4))))


I think now I've got it, thanks (again) for your patience!

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