dear all
here is a setup for playing midi-files/scores in polytempi / follow the instructions and have fun!
just ask if you have some questions...
- personally i will use it for exact sample/e-player perfomance with my pieces which are working with "Technology-Assisted Conducting" ... in future i will do it all directly from OPMO or lisp - "live score generating" + polytempo-conducting + e-player)
- i have
dear all
here is a setup for playing midi-files/scores in polytempi / follow the instructions and have fun!
just ask if you have some questions...
- personally i will use it for exact sample/e-player perfomance with my pieces which are working with "Technology-Assisted Conducting" ... in future i will do it all directly from OPMO or lisp - "live score generating" + polytempo-conducting + e-player)
- i have