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Different Voice for one note in a Chord

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Hi everyone, this one should be pretty simple but I can't seem to figure it out yet.
I am trying to notate this (see attachment) first bar in OM.
So far I have this:

(h e3c4g4e5 f3f4a4d5 z^q g4 f4 h g3d4b4 c3c4e4c5 )

Which doesn't work yet, although it's close.
Additionally, I would love to use the same figured bass notation (with the brackets and everything).
I know how to use the text attribute for Instruments but it seems to map everything based on white-space between the text, maybe I'm missing something?

- Jor

Screen Shot 2019-02-13 at 11.34.28.png

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(setf v1 '(h e5 d5 b4 c5))
(setf v2 '(h g4 a4 q g4 f4 h e4))
(setf v3 '(h c4 f4 d4 c4))
(setf v4 '(h e3 f3 g3 c3))

(def-score Cade
           (:key-signature 'chromatic
            :time-signature '(4 2)
            :tempo 80
            :ignore-time-signature t
            :ignore-tempo t
            :layout (piano-layout '(v1 v2) '(v3 v4)))
   :omn v1
   :channel 1
   :sound 'gm
   :program 0)
  (v2 :omn v2)
  (v3 :omn v3)
  (v4 :omn v4)

Screenshot 2019-02-13 at 12.52.15.png


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Dear Jorvd,


Maybe this post can be useful.





Or maybe this. I did it for composing a String Quartet from a piano reduction.

It brings some ideas to work with harmony.




;;;HARMONY METHOD 2 ////////////////////////////////////////SEV CHORDS Basic Functions SETS///

;;SETS 7-35 - Major Scale

(setf Srm7 (pcs-transpose 9 (pcs '4-26) :pitch))
(setf S7M (pcs-transpose 4 (pcs '4-20) :pitch))
(setf Trm7 (pcs-transpose 4 (pcs '4-26) :pitch))
(setf T7M (pcs-transpose -1 (pcs '4-20) :pitch))
(setf Tam7 (pcs-transpose 11 (pcs '4-26) :pitch))
(setf D7 (pcs-transpose 11 (pcs '4-27b) :pitch))
(setf hd (pcs-transpose 9 (pcs '4-27) :pitch))
(setf F7M#11-5 (gen-rotate 2 (pcs-transpose -1 (pcs '4-8) :pitch)))

;;;Establishing a Progression

(setf chordprog (chordize (list Srm7 S7M Trm7 T7M Tam7 S7M)))

;; Some repetitions and transpositions from Harmonic functions

(setf chordtrp-rpt 
(pitch-transpose-repeat '((0) (1 2 3) (0 -1)) 
(chordize (list T7M S7M Trm7 T7M T7M T7M T7M T7M T7M T7M T7M T7M T7M T7M))))

;;; DEFINE DROP TYPES Position of chords

csd '(0 0 0 0)
dp2 '(0 -12 0 0)
dp3 '(0 0 -12 0)
dp2-4 '(0 -12 0 -12)
dp2-3 '(0 -12 -12 0)
ddp2-3 '(0 -24 0 -12)
dp-24 '(-24 -24 -24 -24)
dp-ligeti '(-24 -24 24 24))

;;;DROP ORDER - Order of Positions

(setf droplist (flatten 
(list dp2-4 dp2 dp2-4 dp3 dp2)))

;;;MAKING THE Actual Voicings

(setf chordprogdrop (chordize-list
              (sort-desc (pitch-melodize chordtrp-rpt)))))

;;;Using the voicings for the final result

(setf chordprgtrp chordprogdrop)

;;; Choose how many repeats of the rhythm

(setf times 1)

;;;Transform the chords into separate voices

(setf voz1 (flatten (pitch-demix 1 chordprgtrp)))
(setf voz2 (flatten (pitch-demix 2 chordprgtrp)))
(setf voz3 (flatten (pitch-demix 3 chordprgtrp)))
(setf voz4 (flatten (pitch-demix 4 chordprgtrp)))

;;; (OPTIONAL) Process AMBITUS Instrumental ou vocal////////////////////////////////////////

;(setf vozamb1 (ambitus '(c4 c5) voz1) vozamb2 (ambitus '(f3 c5) voz2) vozamb3 (ambitus '(g3 g4) voz3) vozamb4 (ambitus '(c2 e3) voz4))

;(setf vozamb1 (ambitus (ambitus-instrument 'flute) voz1)vozamb2 (ambitus (ambitus-instrument 'oboe) voz2) vozamb3 (ambitus (ambitus-instrument 'clarinet) voz3) vozamb4 (ambitus (ambitus-instrument 'bassoon) voz4))

(setf vozamb1 voz1 vozamb2 voz2 vozamb3 voz3 vozamb4 voz4)


(setf homorhy (gen-repeat times '(q stacc -q e stacc q e stacc h h -s s pizz s pizz s pizz)) r1 homorhy r2 homorhy r3 homorhy r4 homorhy)(setf arthomo '(stacc stacc ord stacc ord ord leg leg ord))

(setf dynhomo '(f f mf mf p< f mp< < <))

;; THE DYNAMICS are a little crazy, but this is only to show the stuff

;;;outra possibilidade para homorritmo
;;;lista do ritmo e articulação basica

(setf ritrepeat '(-s s s s s -s s s e stacc e stacc -s s ord s s -s s s s e stacc e stacc h ord -s s s s -s s s s e stacc e stacc -e q. ord e stacc e stacc e -s s ord s s -s s -h -q s s -s s h -h))


(setf homorhy (gen-repeat times ritrepeat) r1 homorhy r2 homorhy r3 homorhy r4 homorhy)

;;;OMN ASSEMBLAGE da LINHA (for poliphony)

(setf vozomn1
 :length r1
 :pitch vozamb1
 :articulation arthomo
 :velocity dynhomo))

(setf vozomn2
 :length r2
 :pitch vozamb2
 :articulation arthomo
 :velocity dynhomo))

(setf vozomn3
 :length r3
 :pitch vozamb3
 :articulation arthomo
 :velocity dynhomo))

(setf vozomn4
 :length r4
 :pitch vozamb4
 :articulation arthomo
 :velocity dynhomo))



;;; (OPTIONAL) Time Signature Sequences

(setf time-signatures '((2 4 1) (3 4 2) (4 4 1)))


;(setf time-signatures '((4 4)))

(def-score voices
           (:title "Piano-Red-4-Voices"
            :subtitle "Estudos Polifônicos"
            :composer "Julio-Herrlein"
            :key-signature 'atonal
            :time-signature time-signatures
            :tempo '("Meditativo" q 60)
            :layout (piano-solo-layout '(pno-rh1 pno-rh2) '(pno-lh pno-lh2))) 
  (pno-rh1 :omn vozomn1 
:channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'Violin :volume 100)
  (pno-rh2 :omn vozomn2 
:channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 'Violin :volume 70)
  (pno-lh :omn vozomn3 
:channel 3 :sound 'gm :program 'Viola :volume 80)
  (pno-lh2 :omn vozomn4 
:channel 4 :sound 'gm :program 'Cello :volume 80))


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Very nice, Jordv !

I'm very interested in Harmony. Let me know about your progress in this matter.

I did a book about set theory and harmony. If you play guitar, you gonna like it.

It have all the possible voicings with diagrams for guitarand much more, like

 hexatonics, voice leading, functional harmony, etc.

Here's the link




And another post related to it




All the Best,


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Wow that is some stellar work, I do play guitar but I mainly compose on piano will send this along to my guitar playing friends, seems like a very valuable source.
I already had some new things to learn in the first few lines of your provided example so I had a productive day yesterday.
I have no doubt that you're familiar with these, but for others that might be interested, I found some useful tools for PCS analysis as well as a nice explanation on the subject.




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