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ALL Interval 12-tone Rows and 12-tone control

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Dear Friends,


I need some help on functions related to more control over 12-tone rows,

specially the interval content.

For example, below there are Berg's Lyric Suite 12-tone Row.

This is an example of all interval series, a combination of every interval.

Please, check this:



This All interval series are very interesting harmonically, since it

produces very consonant trichords.


1) I'd like to control the building of the 12-tone rows, in relation to

 it's properties to get more control over the harmonic output.


What are the methods and fuctions related to it ?

(setf berglyric '(f4 e4 c4 a4 g4 d4 ab4 db4 eb4 gb4 bb4 b4))

(pitch-to-interval berglyric)

(respell (gen-chord2 20 '(3 3 3) no012row))
(respell (gen-chord2 40 '(3 3 3 1) berglyric))

2) How to retrieve the notes of the series for genarating chords in different

 ways and matrices, like in sequence or every other note.

For example

Hypothetical ROW

(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)


How to retrieve:

0 2 4 6 8 10 (skipping every one note)


0 3 6 9






(0 1 2)

(3 4 5)

(6 7 eight)

(9 10 11)




(0 4  😎

(1 5 9)

(2 6 10)

(3 7 11)


Any help is welcome !



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Hi Julio,

for creating All interval row, you can use the Opusmodus function air and also the two other related functions air-group and rnd-air.


For extracting chords etc, my favorite way is to use the function harmonic-progression but several other way are possible.


Here's a short exemple of using the function harmonic-progression on All Interval Row:


(setf row (air 24 :prime :type :pitch))

=> (c4 cs4 eb4 a4 gs4 e4 d4 f4 bb4 g4 b4 fs4)

;; extracting some chords /scales

(setf chords1 (harmonic-progression
               (rnd-number 8 -6 6)
               :step 2
               :size 4

(setf chords2 (harmonic-progression
               (rnd-number 8 -6 6)
               :step '(2 1 2 3)
               :size 4
               :relative t

(setf chords3 (harmonic-progression
               (rnd-number 8 -6 6 :seed 4738)
               :step '(2 (1 2) 3)
               :size 4
               :relative t
               :seed 384

Have a nice day.




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Dear Stephane,


Thanks a lot for this insigthful answer !


There are so many beautiful hidden secrets in Opusmodus.

I was searching for row, 12-tone, series, but never ocurred to

me searching "air".


There's a need for some historical music-oriented tutorials.

All the best !



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