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sorting algorithms

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hi all


i'm looking for different SORTING ALGORITHMS in LISP - no problem to find (different) in the WWW... but: i would like to have as OUTPUT-result ALL generations of the SORTING-process and not only the LAST one  - i'm interested in the PROCESS!!


thanks for some help or any idea? (for once i do not want to code it myself :-))



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I would use GEN-MORPH for that.

Ex. 1

(setf org (rnd-order '(c4 cs4 d4 ds4) :seed 3657))
=> (d4 c4 ds4 cs4)

(setf sort (sort-asc org))
=> (c4 cs4 d4 ds4)

(gen-morph (length org) sort org)
=> ((c4 cs4 d4 ds4) (d4 cs4 d4 ds4) (d4 cs4 ds4 cs4) (d4 c4 ds4 cs4))

(gen-morph 8 sort org)
=> ((c4 cs4 d4 ds4) (d4 cs4 d4 ds4) (d4 cs4 d4 ds4) (d4 cs4 d4 cs4)
    (d4 cs4 d4 cs4) (d4 cs4 ds4 cs4) (d4 cs4 ds4 cs4) (d4 c4 ds4 cs4))



(setf noise (gen-white-noise 200 :seed 23))
(setf sort (sort-asc noise))
(gen-morph 8 noise sort)


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Simply slightly edit the algorithms below by inserting some additional output. Below I simply took one of the algorithms you linked and added a single print statement. If instead you want to collect all the results, then just accumulate them in some variable with a scope surrounding your algorithm function.

(defun bubble-sort/naive (sequence)
  (let ((end (length sequence)))
    (labels ((compare-and-swap (index modified)
               ;; print intermediate results
               (print sequence)
               (if (= index (1- end))
                   (if modified (compare-and-swap 0 nil) (values))
                   (let ((index+1 (1+ index)))
                     (if (> (elt sequence index) (elt sequence index+1))
                         (let ((x (elt sequence index)))
                           (setf (elt sequence index) (elt sequence index+1)
                                 (elt sequence index+1) x)
                           (compare-and-swap index+1 t))
                         (compare-and-swap index+1 modified))))))
      (unless (< end 2)
        (compare-and-swap 0 nil))

(bubble-sort/naive '(3 1 9 5 3 6 4 2 3 7))



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you could add if you like, but perhaps... CODE it better! 🙂 and, perhaps it's possible for you to make it working with CHORDS?

this sorting-thing could be also used (if you pick single generations) for producing "variants" of a motif - with more or less difference from/to an original.




i have some more plans - based on musical ideas - for SORTING functions. when it's coded i'll send it to you at "SOURCE CODE" - so you can have a look what is interesting for you. i'd like to work also a bit on MORPH-things (how to "morph" a gestalt into another).



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you're welcome 🙂


my favorites are: 


(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(g3 bb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'selection))
          :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e))))

(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(g3 bb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'insertion))
          :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e))))


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a new function: min/max -> 1. max-pitch, 2. min-pitch, 3.rest of the seq .... starting next gen.... have a look at the list-plot.






;;; ordinary examples

(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(g4 eb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'min/max))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e))))

(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(g4 eb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '>))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e))))

(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(c4 bb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'min/max))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e))))

(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(c4 bb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '>))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e))))

(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-order '(g4 gs4 a4 bb4 b4 c5 cs5 d5 eb5 e5 f5 fs5)) :algorithm 'min/max))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 12 '(t)) (list '-e))))

(make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-order '(g4 gs4 a4 bb4 b4 c5 cs5 d5 eb5 e5 f5 fs5)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '>))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 12 '(t)) (list '-e))))

;;; combined with filter-tie -> ties all pitch repetitions!!

(filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(c4 bb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'min/max))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e)))))

(filter-tie (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (vector-to-pitch'(c4 bb5) (gen-white-noise 40)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '>))
                      :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 40 '(t)) (list '-e)))))

;;; THREE SCORES with min/max

(def-score example-score
           (:key-signature 'atonal
                           :time-signature '(4 4)
                           :tempo 120
                           :layout (piano-solo-layout 'rhand 'lhand))
  (rhand :omn (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-order '(g6 gs6 a6 bb6 b6 c7 cs7 d7 eb7 e7 f7 fs7)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '<))
                        :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 12 '(t)) (list '-e))))
         :channel 1
         :sound 'gm
         :program 0)
  (lhand :omn (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-order '(g1 gs1 a1 bb1 b1 c2 cs2 d2 eb2 e2 f2 fs2)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '>))
                        :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 12 '(t)) (list '-e))))
         :channel 2))

(def-score example-score
           (:key-signature 'atonal
                           :time-signature '(4 4)
                           :tempo 120
                           :layout (piano-solo-layout 'rhand 'lhand))
  (rhand :omn (filter-tie 
               (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-repeat 100 '(g6 gs6 a6 bb6 b6 c7 cs7 d7 eb7 e7 f7 fs7)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '<))
                        :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 100 '(t)) (list '-e)))))
         :channel 1
         :sound 'gm
         :program 0)
  (lhand :omn (filter-tie 
               (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-repeat 100 '(g1 gs1 a1 bb1 b1 c2 cs2 d2 eb2 e2 f2 fs2)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '>))
                        :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 100 '(t)) (list '-e)))))
         :channel 2))

(def-score example-score
           (:key-signature 'atonal
                           :time-signature '(4 4)
                           :tempo 120
                           :layout (piano-solo-layout 'rhand 'lhand))
  (rhand :omn (filter-tie 
               (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-repeat 100 '(g6 gs6 a6 bb6 b6 c7 cs7)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '<))
                        :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 100 '(t)) (list '-e)))))
         :channel 1
         :sound 'gm
         :program 0)
  (lhand :omn (filter-tie 
               (make-omn :pitch (setf n (sorting (rnd-repeat 100 '(c2 cs2 d2 eb2 e2 f2 fs2)) :algorithm 'min/max :n '>))
                        :length (gen-repeat (length n) (append (gen-repeat 100 '(t)) (list '-e)))))
         :channel 2))


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I have added a new keyword :step - number of steps to complete the process.


Exp. without step:

 (flatten (sorting (rnd-number 30 1 10 :seed 2346) :type 'selection))
  :zero-based t
  :point-radius 1
  :join-points t)

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 11.18.47.png


Same as above but with 5 steps:


 (flatten (sorting (rnd-number 30 1 10 :seed 2346) :type 'selection :step 5))
  :zero-based t
  :point-radius 1
  :join-points t)

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 11.19.00.png


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A random sort '? - RND-PICK from ascending and descending result of a sequence.



 (flatten (sorting (rnd-number 20 1 10 :seed 2346) :type 'selection :sort '<))
  :zero-based t
  :point-radius 1
  :join-points t)

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 12.48.46.png



 (flatten (sorting (rnd-number 20 1 10 :seed 2346) :type 'selection :sort '>))
  :zero-based t
  :point-radius 1
  :join-points t)


Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 12.48.58.png


At random:

 (flatten (sorting (rnd-number 20 1 10 :seed 2346) :type 'selection :sort '?))
  :zero-based t
  :point-radius 1
  :join-points t)

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 12.49.13.png


In 5 steps:

 (flatten (sorting (rnd-number 20 1 10 :seed 2346) :type 'selection :sort '? :step 5))
  :zero-based t
  :point-radius 1
  :join-points t)

Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 12.55.09.png


The default sort is ascending.


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  • 6 months later...

a kind of MERGE-SORT -> sorry for bad coding i didn't find a better solution -> perhaps a new SORT for GEN-SORT...


(defun kind-of-merge-sort (alist)
    (setf alist (mcflatten (loop repeat 30
                             do (setf alist (loop for i in (gen-divide 2 alist)
                                              collect (sort-asc (flatten i))))
                             collect alist)))
    (loop repeat (length alist)
      for cnt = 0 then (incf cnt)
      when (not (equal (nth cnt alist) (nth (1+ cnt) alist)))
      collect (nth cnt alist))))

(list-plot (flatten (kind-of-merge-sort (rnd-order (gen-integer 0 20)))) :join-points t :point-radius 0 :style :fill)



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