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  1. Dear friends, I´m looking for a specific kind of repeating function. In the example below, I have one d4 in the first violin. Then comes an a4, etc. LOOKING FOR SOMETHING LIKE: 1) to have repetitions of the same note in the blank space (instead of pauses), but all have to be measured inside the exact space that is between the first and second note. Sometimes this spaces of rests are different among each pair of subsequent notes. The function must calculate the spaces among each pair of notes before making the repetitions 2) alternatively, this repetitions could be kind of irregular, leaving some spaces of pauses, like a density control. Is there something similar to this function already in Opusmodus ? Thank you ! Best ! For each voice, I use a expression like this: (setf v1 (make-omn :length (span vuzapit vuzarit1) :pitch (ambitus 'violin vuzapit) :velocity dynhomo))
  2. Dear Friends, Is there any way to include repetition boxes (ala Reich) and first and second endings in the XML output ? I have some patterns I want to repeat and maybe the repeat boxes could be great. I know that I can do it after in the notation software finetuning, but since I'm using 255 different patterns with repeats , so would be easier to have it already in the output. It's easier to copy and paste code instead of editing barlines in Musescore, Finale or Sibelius. Thanks in advance. Best, Julio
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