I am having difficulty understanding this new function. When I read the starting statement "The GEN-TENDENCY function generates N samples of given values (floating numbers)..." I thought, the function will generate N samples from the given list, but it does not do that! It does not directly generate from the "given values". Perhaps it will be of help if the explanation can be elaborated a bit more. For example, what does this do?
(gen-tendency 2 '(0.9 0.1 0.7 0.9))
On my system, it gives => (0.917174 0.100803904)
I immediately thought it will generate two values closest to what is in the given list, but the following proved me wrong.
(gen-tendency 4 '(0.9 0.1 0.7 0.9)) => (0.90942806 0.09511808 0.09851663 0.68883634)
Can you explain the behaviour in greater detail? As a beginner, I am not able to relate the generated output with "tendency" argument.