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  1. Hello everyone, I am working on a piece with midi sampling in my DAW (Cubase) and want to generate the midi data with Opusmodus. Currently I am trying to get a seamless as possible rhythmic accelerando from 1 note/second to 10 notes/second over the course of 20 seconds. I guess I'll have to express it in note values for midi export, so 1/4 to 1/40 in 5 bars of tempo 60? All attempts so far have resulted in audible rhythmic steps, so how can I achieve this as seamless as possible with minimal rhythmic shifts?
  2. Dear friends, A cool idea to implement would be to have a gen-divide like function for dividing rhythm lists, filtering just the positive values, like this: (setf rhy '(q -q -e e e e q q -s s s s)) ;;;Standard gen divide (gen-divide 3 rhy) ;;result: (q -q -e) (e e e) (q q -s) (s s s) ;;; (gen-divide-attack 3 rhy) ;;;result (q -q -e e e) (e q q) (-s s s s) To me, would be very useful. All the best ! Julio
  3. I wonder if there's a function to allow for systematic transformations of rhythmic streams, like in the example below. From a regular stream of 16th notes: (s c4 d4 e4 f4 5q d4 e4 f4 g4 e4 s f4 g4 a4 f4 3q g4 a4 b4) To occasional introduction of quintuplets, tuplets, etc: (s c4 d4 e4 f4 5q d4 e4 f4 g4 e4 s f4 g4 a4 f4 3q g4 a4 b4) Or: (6q c4 d4 e4 f4 d4 e4 s f4 g4 f4 g4 5q a4 f4 g4 a4 b4) Thank you!
  4. I wonder if it's possible to evaluate a function (that has a seed argument) a set number of times (using gen-loop) with a predefined, custom seed list applied to the function. Something that I'm trying to achieve in the example below. Thank you! (setf seeds (vector-round 1 100 (gen-white-noise 8 :seed 13))) (setf rhythm (gen-loop 8 (euclidean-rhythm 16 4 16 's :type 2 :seed seeds)))
  5. ;;; ADD-RND-DUST TO LENGTHS ;;; this function adding RANDOMLY some "dust" to the LENGTHS, so it will be like a little rubato, ;;; or "humanizing"-effect. the ADD-SPAN is in percent (0.1 = 10%) on each length-value. (defun add-rnd-dust (omnseq &key (span '(0.1)) (seed nil) (quantize '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))) (let ((rhy (omn :length omnseq)) (sp)) (progn (setf rhy (loop with cnt = 0 for i in rhy do (setf sp (nth cnt span)) when (not (null seed)) do (incf seed) when (> i 0) collect (+ i (car (rnd-number 1 0.0 (* i sp) :seed seed))) else collect (- i (car (rnd-number 1 0.0 (* i sp) :seed seed))) when (< cnt (1- (length span))) do (incf cnt))) (make-omn :length (quantize (float-to-ratio rhy :ratio 1/1) quantize) :pitch (omn :pitch omnseq) :velocity (omn :velocity omnseq) :articulation (omn :articulation omnseq))))) ;;; EXAMPLE (add-rnd-dust '(h c3 h. d3 -h q. f3 q g3) :span '(0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1) :quantize '(1 2 3 4 8) :seed 123) => (ht c3 h.s. d3 -e -q -t e.._3h f3 3q_q g3) (add-rnd-dust '(q c3 q d3 q e3 q f3 q g3) ;;possible add-span per value (1 = 100% of the value, 0.5 = 50% etc.) ;;if it's a list, it will stay on the last value of the span-list :span '(0.4 0.3 0 0 2) ;;how to quantize new lengths :quantize '(1 2 4 8) :seed 123) => (q c3 qt d3 q e3 f3 hs. g3) (add-rnd-dust '(h c3 h. d3 h e3 q. f3 q g3) :span '(0.5) ;; = every value max-add 50% :quantize '(1 2 3 4 8) :seed 2999) => (hs. c3 wt d3 3w.e e3 3wq. f3 q g3) (add-rnd-dust '(q c3 q d3 q e3 q f3 q g3) :span '(0.4 0.3 0 0 2) :quantize '(1 2 4 8) :seed 1111) => (qt c3 qs d3 q e3 f3 q... g3) (add-rnd-dust '(h c3 h d3 h e3 h f3 h g3) :span '(0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.2) :quantize '(1 2 4 3 5) :seed 2999) => (5dh. c3 5dhq. d3 h e3 f3 he g3)
  6. For sound synthesis purposes (e.g., for an expressive performance), we may want to use note lengths beyond the restricted set of quantised note durations. However, Opusmodus currently prevents various irregular note duration sequences to be auditioned and throws an error instead. What is really interesting, though, is that the notation for such irregular durations still seem to work. It might make sense the other way round (i.e. refusing to notate certain rhythms -- though I am definitely not voting for introducing that :), but I don't see any real reason why arbitrary rhythms may not be auditioned. As an example, below is a short example of some arbitrary non-regular rhythm. Opusmodus can notate this rhythm, but when trying to play it back it throws an error. '((1/10 1/11 1/12 1/13)) Thanks! Best, Torsten
  7. Dear Friends In my Doctoral Dissertation, I converted every FORTE number in a modulo 12 Rhythm via time-point-system. There is a complete catalog included (see the link below). It's in portuguese. After Janusz adjusted the Forte numbers to have the inversion, using "a" and "b" to differentiate the prime forms from the inversions, it was easy to convert using codes like this: (setf ch0 (time-point-system (pcs '5-11b :pitch)'s :start 0)) (setf ch1 (time-point-system (pcs '6-33 :pitch)'s :start 1)) (setf ch2 (time-point-system (pcs '7-11b :pitch)'s :start 2)) (setf ch3 (time-point-system (pcs '3-11b :pitch)'s :start 3)) (setf ch4 (time-point-system (pcs '3-11b :pitch)'s :start 0)) The dissertation (in portuguese) can be downloaded HERE: Das alturas ao ritmo : teoria dos conjuntos rítmicos como ferramenta composicional From pitches to rhythm: rhythmic set theory as a compositional tool. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/179457 Abstract This doctoral dissertation is divided into two parts: the first deals a rhythmic set theory, and the second contains the portfolio of compositions developed during this period of studies. This dissertation presents a system of rhythmic organization parallel to the musical set theory pitch class organization FORTE (1973), as well as an adaptation of the time-point-system (BABBITT, 1962). From the standpoint of the traditional set theory, and also from the diatonic set theory, this unified approach allows to estabilish a connecting tissue of basic aspects: from the harmony and chords symbols to the rhythmic organization. At one time, in a complete catalog, the families of pitch class sets and chord symbols are related to their respective rhythmic counterparts. The musical motivation for this research came from my interest in the swinging and groovy repetitive rhythms called timelines (TOUSSAINT, 2013), commonly used in popular music. These dancing timelines have properties similar to those of the diatonic sets, and for this reason, this dissertation presents some properties of the diatonic pitch class sets, drawing a parallel with their rhythmic counterparts. These relationships also appear in the portfolio of compositions, characterizing some procedures used. The portfolio of compositions, which includes a composition for symphony orchestra, is presented form the standpoint of a duality between transparency and opacity. This duality address the essential differences in the audibility of the results from various composition techniques. This study of Rhythmic Set Theory will serve as an analytical approach of my compositional output in popular music, with a systematic way to understant and to extrapolate some aspects already used in my practice as composer and improviser. Here is an analysis of a Wayne Krantz improvisation, using the rhythmic set theory system. Hope you enjoy !! Best, Julio
  8. Below is a function for creating durational accents on the beginning of bars. Many musical styles pay careful attention to how their rhythmic language expresses accents. Certain rhythmic events are perceived as stronger emphasised than others. Such accents do not need to be forced by a performer, e.g., by a dynamic accent. Instead, music theorists identified various musical factors that express accents. Durational accents (expressed by inter-onset intervals) are particularly effective. They are caused by relatively long durations following one or more shorter durations. The function definition is below. Here are two demo calls, showing multiple solutions. (durational-accent '((1/4 1/4 1/4) (1/4 1/4 -1/4) (1/4 1/4 1/4) (1/2 -1/4))) => ((1/4 1/4 1/4) (1/4 1/4 -q) (1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8) (1/2 -1/4)) => ((1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8) (1/4 1/4 -q) (1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8) (1/2 -1/4)) (durational-accent (gen-repeat 2 '((h q) (q q q) (h -q))) :divide '(2 3)) => ((1/2 1/4) (1/4 1/4 1/12 1/12 1/12) (1/2 -q) (1/2 1/4) (1/4 1/4 1/12 1/12 1/12) (1/2 -1/4)) => ((1/2 1/12 1/12 1/12) (1/4 1/4 1/8 1/8) (1/2 -q) (1/2 1/8 1/8) (1/4 1/4 1/4) (1/2 -1/4)) => ((1/2 1/8 1/8) (1/4 1/4 1/4) (1/2 -q) (1/2 1/12 1/12 1/12) (1/4 1/4 1/12 1/12 1/12) (1/2 -1/4)) NB: Unfortunately, I did not get the seed argument working. I tested rnd-seed and friends with a simpler function, and everything seemed to work fine there, but I could not find what stops it working for the durational accents. Janusz: can you perhaps see what I am missing here? Best, Torsten (defun durational-accent (lengths &key (seed nil) (divide 2) (set nil) (ignore nil)) "Adds durational accents on first notes of bars by subdividing the last note of the preceding bar. `lengths' must be a list of length lists (multiple bars). If a bar starts with a rest, then it cannot carry a durational accent, and hence its preceding note is never subdivided. Note: currently only plain length values, and no OMN supported. Args: divide (integer or list of integers, default 2): specifies into how many equal note values notes preceeding a durational accent are subdivided. If list of integer, subdivision is randomly chosen. set (length or list of lengths): only specified lengths are subdivided. ignore (length or list of lengths): specified lengths are *not* subdivided. lengths must be list of lists. For now simpler version: accents only supported leading to strong beat at beginning of bar, but metric structure does not need to be regular. Example: (durational-accent (gen-repeat 2 '((h q) (q q q) (h -q))) :divide '(2 3)) BUG: arg seed not working." (rnd-seed seed) (assert (and (listp lengths) (every #'listp lengths)) (lengths) "Given `lengths' ~A is not a sequence of bars (a list of lists).~%" lengths) (append (map-neighbours #'(lambda (bar1 bar2) (if (length-notep (first bar2)) ;; subdivide last note of bar (append (butlast bar1) (length-divide ; random control whether subdivision happens (rnd-pick '(0 1) :seed (seed)) (if (listp divide) (rnd-pick divide :seed (seed)) divide) (last bar1) :set set :ignore ignore)) bar1)) lengths) (last lengths))) ;; aux def (defun map-neighbours (func list &optional n) "Applying `func' to consecutive sublists of `list'. The number of arguments expected by func implicitly specifies the number of consecutive elements to which the function is applied. This can be overwritten by the optional `n'." (let ((n2 (if n n (length (ccl:arglist func))))) (loop for l on list when (>= (length l) n2) collect (apply func (subseq l 0 n2))))) #| (map-neighbours #'(lambda (x y) (list x y)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) => ((1 2) (2 3) (3 4) (4 5) (5 6)) (map-neighbours #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 3) => (6 9 12 15) |#
  9. Hi J, (or anybody else who knows?) I am trying to find what function generates a written out accelerando... in other words something like this starting in whole notes and down to thirty seconds: w h h e e e e s s s s s s s s t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t or involving tuplets also, or better still, starting from a given rhythmic value (lengths in opmo?) a geometric progression of lengths. In Supercollider, we use Pgeom and give it a start and end and a multiplier and this allows fro some great accell, stutter effects. What would be the equivalent here? Thanks! Julio
  10. hi all i would like to MERGE/FIT the following 3-layer-voices(-EXAMPLE) into a ONE-layer-voice (with complex rhythms) - is it possible in OPUSMODUS? thanx for help! andré EXAMPLE: (setf voices (merge-voices (make-omn :length (gen-length '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 1/20) :pitch '(c4) :velocity '(pppp ppp pp p)) (make-omn :length (gen-length '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 1/8) :pitch '(c5) :velocity '(pppp ppp pp p)) (make-omn :length (gen-length '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) 1/12) :pitch '(c6) :velocity '(pppp ppp pp p)))) (def-score example (:key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 4) :tempo '(96) :layout (treble-layout '3-layers)) (3-layers :omn voices :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 1))
  11. Hi, here's a simple example of my use of BINARY-RHYTHM function inspired by the Janusz's doc examples for generating a full movement of a chamber symphonie. The BINARY-RHYTHM function use FIBONACCI stuff and variant optional keyword: (init-seed 839201883) (setf fib1 (fibonacci 4 64)) (setf fib2 (fibonacci 21 81)) (setf fib3 (fibonacci 14 74)) (setf fib4 (fibonacci 32 92)) (setf fib5 (fibonacci 1 61)) (setf rhstruct (rnd-sample 8 '(4 8 16 32 64))) (setf bval '(h h q q e e s s s e s e q e h q h h)) (setf len1 (binary-rhythm rhstruct fib1 bval :type 2 :variant '?)) (setf len2 (binary-rhythm rhstruct fib2 bval :type 2 :variant '?)) (setf len3 (binary-rhythm rhstruct fib3 bval :type 2 :variant '?)) (setf len4 (binary-rhythm rhstruct fib4 bval :type 2 :rotate 18)) (setf len5 (binary-rhythm rhstruct fib5 bval :type 2 :variant '?)) SB.
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