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Trio Atonal
Score example from the Opusmodus home page 'Made in Opusmodus'. Focus: PITCH-FIGURATE Theme (setf theme '((-e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -e) (e eb4 stacc s gb3 q d3 stacc -s) (-s e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -e s eb4 tie+stacc) (s eb4 gb3 d3 stacc gb3 eb4 a3 -e) (-e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -e) (e eb4 stacc s gb3 q d3 tie s tie+stacc) (s d3 -e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 -) (-s e eb4 stacc s gb3 d3 stacc gb3 eb4 a3))) Baritone (setf barsax1 (length-span 8/4 '(s - s s e e - s s t t t t e -q))) (setf barsax2 (ambitus '(c2 gs4) (pitch-figurate '(3 2) (make-omn :pitch (randomize-octaves 'baritone-sax (rnd-order (gen-loop 16 (rnd-row :type :pitch)))) :length (rnd-order (gen-repeat 16 (list barsax1))) :velocity '(f) :articulation (rnd-order (gen-loop 16 '(- - stacc - stacc - - - - stacc stacc)))) :interval '((1 -1) (1 13 -13)) :variant '?))) (setf baritone (assemble-seq theme (sort-asc (subseq barsax2 0 4) :section 0) theme (sort-desc (subseq barsax2 4 12) :section 0) theme)) Contrabass (setf bass1 (length-span 8/4 '(e - s s e e - s s e))) (setf bass2 (ambitus 'bass (pitch-figurate '(1 2) (make-omn :pitch (pitch-transpose -24 (rnd-order (gen-loop 16 (rnd-row :type :pitch)))) :length (rnd-order (gen-repeat 16 (list bass1))) :velocity '(f)) :interval '((1 -1) (1 6 -6)) :variant '?))) (setf contrabass (assemble-seq (pitch-transpose -12 theme) (subseq bass2 0 4) (pitch-transpose -12 theme) (subseq bass2 4 12) (pitch-transpose -12 theme))) Drums (setf hh1 (length-span 8/4 '(-s gs2 ff))) (setf oh1 (length-span 8/4 '(-s - bb2 ff -))) (setf ch1 (length-span 8/4 '(s fs2 ff -))) (setf sn1 (length-span 8/4 '(-e d2 - - a2 - - s = q f2 e))) (setf bd1 (length-span 8/4 '(-s b1 ff e c2 = -e. e = -e. -s))) (setf hh (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list hh1)))) (setf oh (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list oh1)))) (setf ch (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list ch1)))) (setf sn (pitch-figurate '(3 2) (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list sn1))) :interval '(-1 -2 14))) (setf bd (rnd-order (gen-repeat 18 (list bd1)))) Def-Score (def-score trio-atonal (:title "Trio Atonal" :composer "Opmo" :copyright "Copyright © 2015 Opusmodus" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature '(4 8) :tempo 100 :layout (list (baritone-sax-layout 'baritone) (contrabass-layout 'contrabass :name "Bass" :abbr "Bass"))) (baritone :omn baritone :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 'Baritone-Sax :volume 100) (contrabass :omn contrabass :channel 2 :sound 'gm :program 'Acoustic-Bass :volume 70) (hh :omn hh :channel 10 :sound 'gm :program 0 :volume 100) (oh :omn oh) (ch :omn oh) (sn :omn sn) (bd :omn bd) ) Trio Atonal.opmo