Is there an OpusModus function (I'll bet there is) that can create lists (chords, etc) created from items selected from lists of varying lengths? Something like this:
Source lists (3 lists): ( '(c4 d4 e4) '(f4 g4 a4 b4) '(cs4 ds4 fs4 gs4 as4) )
Output, successive items from each list: (list '(c4 f4 cs4) '(d4 g4 ds4) '(e4 a4 fs4) '(c4 b4 gs4) '(d4 f4 as4) '(e4 g4 cs4) ...)
I'm having a great time learning LISP and OM (I come from Python/Java background mostly). I looked through the gen- functions, but nothing seemed to match. I was going to try to write a LISP function, but I figure there was already something in OM, as it seems geared towards these types of transformations.