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Everything posted by david

  1. personally I think book 1 is great! but really too complex for me. I give up quite quickly because it's too far from what I do in music. I will wait patiently for your book and I'm sure I will like it! Best!
  2. When will Julio Herrlein's book be released?
  3. Thank you very much Stéphane! looking forward to discovering...
  4. I am late;-)) It sounds great Stéphane!! could you share your code?
  5. Thank you for your help Julio, It's really very interesting! ...Perhaps you will talk about this in your future book dedicated to Opusmodus!? in the meantime, Is it possible to mix a chord sequence as is often the case in jazz standards or in other musical styles? Jazz standards, for example, often use complex and varied chord progressions that allow musicians to create unique and interesting arrangements. By using different chord progressions or modifying chords within a sequence, composers and arrangers can create rich and diverse compositions. This also provides performers with the opportunity to explore different harmonies and variations in their playing. I spotted the "Melodize" function that I can't find in my version 2 of Opusmodus, I suppose it has been replaced by pitch-melodize?
  6. it sounds very good!! what is your audio output?
  7. are you missing another parameter?
  8. Je ne comprends pas, les espaces de certains rythmes ne sont pas respectés, même en écrivant directement dans le message (setf ry7 'gen-repeat 18 '((e. s)(-ee)(-s e.)(e. s)(-ee)(-s e.)(e. s)(-ee)) ))
  9. oups désolé ! (setf ry7 (gen-repeat 18 '((e. s)(-e e)(-s e.)(e. s)(-e e)(-s e.)(e. s)(-e e)) ))
  10. Hi, Is it possible to indicate in a make-omn parameter list to execute list in 4/4 except the last two measures? Thanks for your help (setf seq+ry (omn-to-measure (make-omn :pitch (omn :pitch seq) :length (gen-repeat 1 ry7) :span :length) '(4/4)))
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