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Posts posted by Deb76

  1. Bonjour Stéphane, j'ai vu la vidéo et le script et son rendu audio m'intéressait beaucoup et je l'ai donc testé. Tout allait bien jusqu'à la création du make-omn avec l'euclidean rythm, mais arrêt total pour les variations aléatoires (defun omn-rnd-variations (omn-sequence) qui génère des erreurs avec "unfold". Manifestement chez moi, OPMO ne supporte pas cette syntaxe avec la virgule placée devant (sort-asc... :

    (let ((max-length (length omn-sequence))
           (unfold 'om '(
                           (i ,(sort-asc (find-unique (rnd-number (rnd-pick '(1 2 3 4)) 1 max-length))))

    Si je les enlève et que j'évalue cela semble fonctionner mais je ne peux pas le vérifier car autre problème la fonction density-length-cresc n'est pas active dans ma version d'OPMO, la toute dernière par ailleurs, celle du 13 décembre dernier, la 3,0 29150.  

    Mais après recherche, j'ai vu que ce script avait été créé avec les "techniques décrites dans les « 5 leçons Opusmodus » de composerworkshop.com" et je suppose que c'est une fonction créée pour la circonstance. Est-ce bien cela ?

    Merci d'avance pour la réponse.


  2. Hello Stephane,
    Thank you for the answer. And I feel a little stupid, because I don't know why I thought that because of the name change, a code for the entire update had to be changed in order for it to be effective. And it's all the more stupid that I have already changed the codes when Janusz had modified them. In short, probably fatigue...
    And these two new functions, I tested them from the first update with their old names (fft-h & fft-w). All these functions which can be visualized via graphs and translated musically interest me a lot for an upcoming project with a painter friend and in which the music Opusmodus will have a preponderant place.

    Best wishes. 





    Bonjour Stéphane, 
    Merci pour la réponse. Et je me sens un peu stupide, car je ne sais pas pourquoi j'ai pensé qu'en raison du changement de nom, il fallait changer un code concernant la totalité de l'update afin qu'elle soit effective. Et c'est d'autant plus stupide que j'ai déjà changé les codes lorsque Janusz les avaient modifiés. Bref, vraisemblablement la fatigue... 
    Et ces deux nouvelles fonctions, je les avais testées dès la première mise à jour avec leurs anciennes appellations (fft-h & fft-w). Toutes ces fonctions qui peuvent-être visualisées via des graphes et traduites musicalement m'intéressent beaucoup pour un projet à venir avec une amie artiste peintre et dans lequel pour la musique Opusmodus aura une place prépondérante. 



  3. Hello RevJames, 

    I use Ableton Live 11 suite with OPMO to send the different midi parts into Live. It works very well and allows you to use all of Live's tools, native synthesizers, third-party virtuals, hardware synths, etc.
    LoopMidi works great for creating the virtual ports needed in Windows to play midi parts on a Daw/Stan. Once open, just click + to add a port.
    In Ableton Live or other Daw, check in Preferences if the ports are active. Then, just assign them in the instruments/midi track.
    Be careful, do not forget in Opusmodus to check their assignments with (midi-destinations)_CTRL E.

    I made a small PDF to summarize this topic. And since you work with Ableton Live, I'm interested in sharing.


  4. Hello Janusz,
    I'm testing the trial version of Windows on my 13 year old PC (i7 8 Go) and OPMO is running flawlessly. Cheer !
    So, little question, for people who have an OPMO 3 license for the Mac - and used on two Mac - is there a discount for the additional purchase of a Windows version? I'm interested because eventually I'm going to have to change my PC.

  5. Hello,
    In my region, following a creation "Le Rossignol et l'Empereur de Chine, baroque flute and computer music," and several themes of which were created with Opumodus, I was asked to lead several workshops around Computer Aided Composition (CAO), and in particular in music schools. I would have liked to present Opusmodus, to show that it is an excellent tool for a music teaching structure, that it allows you to compose thanks to its powerful score editor, to perform the classic operations transpose, inversion, retrograde , mirror, P I R RI matrix calculation, create algorithmic scripts, etc. In short, it's an excellent tool for creating and understanding today's music. Well I can't because OMPO does not play on a MackBook Pro M1. And suddenly, I went back to Open Music from Ircam which was running with Rosetta but which was recently updated with its version 7 and optimized for the M1.
    Best regards.


    Dans ma région, suite à une création "Le Rossignol et l'Empereur de Chine, flûte baroque et Informatique musicale," et dont plusieurs thèmes ont été créés avec Opumodus, on me demande d'animer plusieurs ateliers autour de la Composition Assistée par Ordinateur (CAO), et notamment dans des écoles de Musique. J'aurais bien aimé présenter Opusmodus, montrer que c'est un excellent outil pour une structure 'enseignement de la musique, qu'il permet de composer grâce à son puissant éditeur de partitions, d'effectuer les opérations classiques transposition, inversion, rétrograde, miroir, calcul de matrice P I R RI, créer des scripts algorithmique, etc. Bref, que c'est un excellent outil pour créer et comprendre  la musique d'aujourd'hui. Et bien je ne peux pas car OMPO ne toune pas sur un MackBook Pro M1. Et bien du coup, je me suis remis à Open Music de l'Ircam qui lui tournait avec Rosetta mais qui a été récemment mis à jour avec sa version 7 et optimisé pour le M1


  6. ActuelJeanBarraqueExport.pdf


    It is certainly an iconoclastic analysis, but André's script to generate Jean Barraqué's proliferating series made me want to test several Anton Webern series in his script and see how they were modified, in particular at level of their intervallic structures. It is also an opportunity to test the graphical analysis tools offered by Opusmodus. And in particular in the various circular representations for the pitches. For the interval classes, I used the circle-rythm-plot function but that would deserve, in my opinion, a specific circular representation.
    Sorry for my bad English.


  7. I am in the same situation as Olo, I have just invested in a MacBook Pro 13 M1 and big disappointment Opusmodus does not run on this MBP. What causes me problem, some musician friends wanted me to show them how we worked with OPMO.
    Concretely, with the MBP M1 the menu window opens, you can create a workspace file but once created it is not displayed. Likewise, when you select "Opusmodus" / "Register" in the menu, no window is displayed.

    Note: Open Music 6.19 works fine.


  8. Hello Julio,
    I add to the links of the "PC Sets" utilities that of the two "assistant Bain" and the summary table of Larry Salomon. Otherwise, I particularly appreciate in OPMO "pcs-analysis" that Stéphane Boussuge underlined.:




    table of pitch class sets


  9. Thank you for this function / script regarding "les séries proliférantes". By carrying out a research on the book "Jean Barraqué, Ecrits" and published by the "publications of the Sorbonne" I discovered this site around Jean Barraqué and in particular examples of the scores and the booklets of "Séquence (1950-55) , "Le temps restitué (1959)", "... au delà du hasard (1959)", "Chant après chant (1966)" and "Concerto (1968)". I tell myself that under the documentation that might be of interest to members :



    Concerning "Ecrits Jean Barraqué, réunis, présentées et annotées par Laurent Feneyrou", for those who read French, I found a communication and an article published on the site "Entretemps". The communication to "Samedi d'Entretemps of October 26, 2002," Jean Barraqué: de l'écrit, le devenir" by Franck C. Yeznikan, evokes in particular the analyzes published in the book on Beethoven, Debussy, Webern, Messiaen:



    "Le Souci du Développement chez Barraqué" by François Nicolas, published in Entretemps n ° 5 in 1987, evokes the two main references of Barraqué according to the author, "Beethoven and Debussy ", his admiration of Webern and Schubert. Without forgetting the interest and taste of Barraqué concerning musical analysis.

    And to stay on topic on "les séries proliférantes", a theoretical explanation on this technique developed by Barraqué to escape the immutable intervallic structures of series 




  10. It works very well with virtual or hardware instruments like synthesizers. With the midi ports and in particular with the USB midi instruments each instrument or synthesizer is recognized as such by OPMO. We can even do without a sequencer / Daw. For now, I have a problem with my Motu 1278 sound card that no longer receives sound from my synthesizers or any external audio input. I can nevertheless continue to work thanks to Opusmodus which after evaluation of the script sends the midi parts to the synthesizers and whose audio outputs enter the sound card of my PC (RME Fireface 800) and Ableton Live Suite 10. The synchronization is excellent.


    Ca fonctionne très bien avec les instruments virtuels ou hardware comme les synthétiseurs. Avec les ports midi et notamment avec les instruments midi USB chaque instrument ou synthétiseur est reconnu en tant que tel par OPMO. On peut même se passer, éventuellement, d'un séquenceur/Daw. Pour l'instant, j'ai un problème avec ma carte son Motu 1278 qui ne reçoit plus le son de mes synthétiseurs ou toute entrée audio externe. Je peux néanmoins continuer à travailler grâce à  Opusmodus qui après évaluation du script envoie les parties midi dans les  synthétiseurs et dont les sorties audio entre dans la carte son de mon PC (RME Fireface 800) et Ableton Live Suite 10. La synchronisation est excellente. 

  11. I wish to analyse process of Messiaen's modes of limited transpositions. I choose one of the modes, say the 3, from OPMO's "modes" library, which gives me the mode :  (c4 d4 eb4 e4 f4 g4 gs4 bb4 b4) - and its intervallic structure: (2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1). And I want to replicate the process. it's a starting point. There are 9 notes, I divide them by 3 and I get three trichords ((c4 d4 eb4) (e4 gb4 g4) (ab4 bb4 b4)) and the same 3  (1 2 1). if I select the first trichorde (c4 d4 eb4) and I report it on each of the first notes of the three trichordes c4 - e4 - ab4 from the function Pitch-Transpose-Start I get as result mode 3 but disordered :

    (setf mod3divide (gen-divide 3 modmessiaen3)) ; => ((c4 d4 eb4) (e4 gb4 g4) (ab4 bb4 b4))
    (setf firstmodmessiaen3 (filter-first 3 modmessiaen3)) ; => (c4 d4 eb4)
    (setf report3 '(c4 e4 ab4))
    (setf rep3 (gen-repeat 3 (list report3))) ; => ((c4 e4 ab4) (c4 e4 ab4) (c4 e4 ab4))
    (setf pch3 (flatten (pitch-transpose-start firstmodmessiaen3 rep3))) ; => ((c4 e4 gs4) (d4 fs4 bb4) (eb4 g4 b4)) => (c4 e4 gs4 d4 fs4 bb4 eb4 g4 b4)

    This result I wanted to reorder in an upward progression and as I did not find the function, I tested pcs-prime-form but which is not adapted. 

    But I found the function that I wanted with sort-asc and I reconstruct the mode 3 and its intervallic structure :

    (setf Messiaen3order (sort-asc pch3)) ; => (c4 d4 eb4 e4 fs4 g4 gs4 bb4 b4)
    (setf SIMessiaenMod3a (pitch-to-interval Messiaen3order)) ; => (2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1)

    Of course, I can combine the two functions together : 

    (setf process3Messiaen (sort-asc (flatten (pitch-transpose-start firstmodmessiaen3 rep3)))) ; => (c4 d4 eb4 e4 fs4 g4 gs4 bb4 b4)



    But thank you Janusz for your questions. concerning the Pitch-transpose-Start function you had indicated to me when I wanted to recreate the multiplication chords of Pierre Boulez.

    Best wishes. 



  12. I would like to get the mode in the right order: '(c4 d4 eb4 e4 gb4 g4 ab4 bb4 b4)) and not '(d4 eb4 e4 gb4 g4 ab4 bb4 b4 c4))

    Hence this question: is there a function to get an ascending order in a list rather than using pcs-normal-order?


    (setf modmessiaen3 '(c4 d4 eb4 e4 gb4 g4 ab4 bb4 b4))

    (setf pch3 ( ? (flatten (pitch-transpose-start firstmodmessiaen3 rep3))))

    => ((c4 e4 gs4) (d4 fs4 bb4) (eb4 g4 b4)) =>  (c4 e4 gs4 d4 fs4 bb4 eb4 g4 b4) ? 


    If I go look for mode 3 in the library OPMO I have this:


    (setf Messiaen3 (pitch-transpose 0 (expand-chord-name (library 'modes 'messiaen 'messiaen-mode3) :type :pitch)))

    => (c4 d4 eb4 e4 fs4 g4 gs4 bb4 b4)

    (expand-chord-name (library 'modes 'messiaen 'messiaen-mode3) :type :interval)

    => (2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1)


    In the result with pitch-transpose-start : (c4 e4 gs4 d4 fs4 bb4 eb4 g4 b4) and => (4 4 -6 4 4 -7 4 4) => The music notes are correct but permuted.

    and with pcs-normal-order : (d4 eb4 e4 fs4 g4 gs4 bb4 b4 c4) => (1 1 2 1 1 2 1 -11) => The music notes are correct but permuted.

    I get the intervallic structure is shifted.


    Thanks in advance Janusz.  

  13. Hello, 

    Somewhat stupid question but I do not find a function that would allow me to reorder a sequence of pitches.
    Let me explain, on a forum where Messiaen's limited transposition modes are discussed, I wanted to show that with Opumodus we could very easily analyze the modes and recreate them. I have no problem with those who are in total symmetry and divisible by two, but if I take the mode 3: (c4 d4 eb4 e4 gb4 g4 ab4 bb4 b4), using the function pitch-transpose-start I get in the end the mode but according to the postponement of the intervallic structure on c4 d4 ab4 is => ((c4 e4 gs4) (d4 fs4 bb4) (eb4 g4 b4)). I tried to reorder with the function pcs-normal-order the mode is reordered but with however the c4 in last position: (d4 eb4 e4 fs4 g4 gs4 bb4 b4 c4). Now, I suppose there is a function that makes it possible to obtain the right disposition. What is it ?

    (setf modmessiaen3 '(c4 d4 eb4 e4 gb4 g4 ab4 bb4 b4))
    (setf SIMessiaenMod3 (pitch-to-interval modmessiaen3)) ; =>  (2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1)
    (setf mod3divide (gen-divide 3 modmessiaen3))
    (setf firstmodmessiaen3 (filter-first 3 modmessiaen3))
    (setf report3 '(c4 e4 ab4))
    (setf rep3 (gen-repeat 3 (list report3)))
    (setf pch3 (modus (flatten (pitch-transpose-start firstmodmessiaen3 rep3))))
    (setf MessiaenMod3 (pcs-normal-order pch3 :pitch))
    (setf SIMessiaenMod3a (pitch-to-interval MessiaenMod3)) ; => (1 1 2 1 1 2 1 -11)
    (setf mod3chordsM (melodize '((c4eb4gb4) (d4gb4bb4) (eb4gb4bb4) (e4g4b4) (gb4bb4db5) (g4b4d5) (ab4b4d5) (bb4gb5) (b4d5gb5))))
    (setf analysechords3 (pcs-analysis (integer-to-pitch (modus mod3chordsM))))


    In particular, this distorts the analysis of the interstellar structure of mode 3:
    of (2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1) I get (1 1 2 1 1 2 1 -11)
    Besides, there is probably a more efficient script than the one I tried?




    PS : In fact, I realize that the function pcs-normal-order is not adapted at all according to the modes.

  14. Dear Julio

    Thank you for your reply, but that's not what I want. I know the integer-to-pitch function well, I use it in my musical analysis with the tools of the Set Theory. And precisely, at my request, in order to be able to add the notation mod12 on a partition, Janusz created the insertion of integers via num0 ... num11.
    What I want is for make-omn to recognize the num parameter, either directly or by being able to add to :length, :pitch, :articulation, :velocity, the parameter :num or other name.


    I made an example from a row extracted from the Library Vienna. By adding in the series the notation in integers with the parameter num one realizes that this notation does not appear in the score from make-omn :

    (setf dur (gen-repeat 12 'q) )

    (setf op29webernLib (expand-libraries '(library vienna webern r19)))

    (setf op29webernNumMO '(ds4 num3 b4 num11 d4 num2 cs4 num1 f4 num5 e4 num4 g4 num7 fs4 num6 as4 num10 a4 num9 c4 num0 gs4 num8))

    (setf webernop29_OMN 
                :length  dur 
                :pitch op29webernNumMO

    Unlike the notation as follows:
    (setf op29webernNum1 '(q ds4 num3 b4 num11 d4 num2 cs4 num1 f4 num5 e4 num4 g4 num7 fs4 num6 as4 num10 a4 num9 c4 num0 gs4 num8))





    Stéphane bonsoir, 

    Réponses croisées. Merci. Je n'avais pas pensé à l'intégrer en tant qu'articulation.  Merci donc. Et je viens de vérifier en ajoutant aussi des articulations (num0+marc, num11+stacc...) ça fonctionne. C'est impeccable. 


    Cross responses. Thank you. I had not thought of integrating it as an articulation. Thank you so. And I just checked by adding also joints (num0 + marc, num11 + stacc ...) it works. It's impeccable.




  15. Hello, 

    Just a quick question about make-omn:  is it possible to add to the parameters the notation with num?
    I am currently analyzing Webern's opus 29 following a question I was asked.

    If I add the notation in integers I get this: (ds4 num3 b4 num11 d4 num2 cs4 num1 f4 num5 e4 num4 g4 num7 fs4 num6 as4 num10 a4 num9 c4 num0 gs4 num8)) but this notation mod12 is not taken in count in make-omn, is it possible to add the notation in integers in the parameters (length, pitch, velocity, articulation, etc.) of make-omn? with num?



  16. Hello,
    The update was carried out without problem following the instructions in particular by deleting the file Opusmodus in Documents. The upgrade has been installed on the Mojave OS 10.14.2. and it runs without any problem.I particularly appreciate in this new version the functions circle-pitch-plot, circle-rhythm-plot, xy-plot, and the pcs-rhythm. Very useful tools for musical analysis. The ivory background for rendering the scores is very nice too.



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