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Stephane Boussuge

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Everything posted by Stephane Boussuge

  1. Here's a good example of manual writing combining the use of piano-grand-layout and OM voices system to get a decent draft score. S. Instant 7 render1.mp3 Instant No7 - OM-Print.pdf Instant 7 pour Piano.opmo
  2. I've updated the render on Soundcloud, now rendered with Noteperformer4 and CSSS. Best ! SB.
  3. Interesting but your :seed init/programming seems not really made in correct Opusmodus way. You can have a look to the documentation for rnd-seed S.
  4. ;; Some suggestion of possible path to explore to create rhythmic progressions ;; Example1 (setf vector (list-plot (half-sine 24 1) :join-points t)) (setf len1 (vector-to-length '1/32 8 1 vector)) ;; Example 2 (setf size 4) (setf len2 (gen-length-density size :density '(10 50 100 20) :level 16)) ;;or (setf len3 (gen-length-density size :density '(10 50 100 20) :level 16 :type 2)) ;; Example 3 (setf vector2 (list-plot (half-sine 24 1) :join-points t)) (setf divlist (vector-round 1 8 vector2)) (setf len4 (gen-tuplet 1 1 'd 'n 'q divlist)) (setf len5 (gen-tuplet 1 1 'd '? 'q divlist)) ;; Example 4 (setf len6 (rhythm-series 1 '(4 8 12 16 32 16 8 4) 4/4)) Etc, etc... There is infinite possibilities in Opusmodus, your imagination is the limit.
  5. Hi Tom, I've made a video lessons pack on soundest design and using external virtual Instruments : Designing sound sets and instruments sets – Working with VI plugins with Opusmodus (level 2) - Composer Workshop WWW.COMPOSERWORKSHOP.COM <span>This level 2 course focuses on designing sound sets and working with VI plugins in Opusmodus. It is intended for users who already have some experience with Opusmodus and want to learn new techniques for driving virtual instruments plugins directly from Opusmodus, managing the playback, articulations and controllers to enhance their composition workflow and output sound...
  6. Hi Jon, indeed the tonality-map behaviour is changed recently for very good reasons and now you can do extraordinary things with tonality-map like mapping a full orchestra with a pitch remapping by register according to each playing register for the instruments. This is the default now for tonality-map (:map nil), it means tonality-map remap always to the closest pitch according to the register, so if you provide some chords, it is necessary to extend the register of this chords before the mapping using the keyword :map '(octave). There is also another possibility: :map '(extend) and :map '(step). To get your intended output, you have to use :map '(octave) like this: (setf progression (harmonic-progression '(1 6 4 2 5 1 2 4 5) '(c4 natural-minor) :size 7 :step 1 :base 1 )) (setf progression-list (mclist progression)) (setf accomp-shell '((q c3 p g3e4 c4e4 e3c4))) (setf accomp-phrase (gen-repeat 8 accomp-shell)) ;;; Here i'm preparing the harmonic path with the keyword :map '(octave) (setf path (tonality-series progression-list :map '(octave))) (setf accomp-map (tonality-map path accomp-phrase)) Best ! Stéphane
  7. Yes directly in OM, rendering in Sibelius with noteperformer4 without any edit and the full algorithm used to produce this is available with my course here: Designing generative orchestral templates with Opusmodus (level 2) - Composer Workshop WWW.COMPOSERWORKSHOP.COM Welcome to the course on "Designing Generative Orchestral Templates with Opusmodus"! In this course, we will explore the fascinating world of computer-assisted composition, specifically focusing on the powerful music composition environment known as Opusmodus. Opusmodus is a cutting-edge software tool that empowers composers, music theorists, and researchers to create...
  8. Hi folks, here's a short piece for piano as an example of various practices. Best Stéphane ApparitionDAWEdit1.wav Apparition pour Piano.opmo
  9. Tonality-map function is very powerful and when used with a large pitch field, is able to map the entire pitch field on orchestra according to pitch field registers. SB
  10. First part of a work in progress for Orchestra based on spectral harmony (but quantised to 1/2 ton for that part...) stephaneboussuge · Surabaya pour Orchestre Part 1 SB.
  11. Short orchestral work made this morning . SB. PoemTemp80887.mp3
  12. This is a raw unprocessed, unedited output from the Algorithm Orchestral Section Generator feed with Slonimsky patterns, you get this algorithm included with many others in this Composerworkshop new lessons video pack: Designing generative orchestral templates with Opusmodus (level 2) - Composer Workshop WWW.COMPOSERWORKSHOP.COM Welcome to the course on "Designing Generative Orchestral Templates with Opusmodus"! In this course, we will explore the fascinating world of computer-assisted composition, specifically focusing on the powerful music composition environment known as Opusmodus. Opusmodus is a cutting-edge software tool that empowers composers, music theorists, and researchers to create... Slonimsky-Machine.mp3
  13. I’m not on Windows but i think in score viewer you have to use save-as and it will save as musicxml. SB.
  14. Hi folks, I've made a new tutorial. With that tutorial you will get not only lessons but also the full generative Opusmodus algorithms to generate your own orchestral music ! What sets this course apart is its focus on designing orchestral templates. Rather than simply scratching the surface of Opusmodus, we will delve deep into the process of constructing templates that serve as the foundation for your orchestral compositions. With a strong emphasis on generative techniques, you will learn how to breathe life into your music by harnessing the creative potential of Opusmodus. Course Highlights: 1. Designing and using the orchestral template. Learn to design and utilise orchestral templates in Opusmodus 2. Pattern based generative example. Explore pattern-based generative examples 3. Orchestral pitch remapping. Master orchestral pitch remapping 4. Instrumentation / Orchestration. Dive into instrumentation and orchestration techniques 5. Assembling sections. Learn how to assemble sections effectively 6. Section designer: Full algorithm. Use the Section Designer to create a full orchestral piece section by section Here's the link: Courses - Composer Workshop WWW.COMPOSERWORKSHOP.COM
  15. You have to define them in user-attributes file in Extensions. To get a full tutorial on the subject: Designing sound sets and instruments sets – Working with VI plugins with Opusmodus (level 2) - Composer Workshop WWW.COMPOSERWORKSHOP.COM <span>This level 2 course focuses on designing sound sets and working with VI plugins in Opusmodus. It is intended for users who already have some experience with Opusmodus and want to learn new techniques for driving virtual instruments plugins directly from Opusmodus, managing the playback, articulations and controllers to enhance their composition workflow and output sound... SB.
  16. Hi Didier, it is about the 2 new functions ffth and fftw, Janusz change the name of this two function just after release. You probably never use them because the release of this 2 functions was Yesterday. Best ! Stéphane
  17. For me, I think that's perfect ! I know many of the OM functions but totally forgot about that one. Thank you for the trick ! Best S.
  18. For further information about the concept of tendency masking, here's 2 links to Cmask implementation. Something similar in OM would be nice. CMask Manual ABARTETZKI.USERS.AK.TU-BERLIN.DE CMask Article ABARTETZKI.USERS.AK.TU-BERLIN.DE
  19. Hi, the orchestration come from other files indeed. I'm working on the scripting of the videos actually. Best Stéphane
  20. You can use get-harmonic-path function. S.
  21. I'm in travel actually and very busy but i wrote two short example for you to explore, not exactly what you ask for but I hope interesting to study for you and hopefully inspiring for further exploration. Happy study ;;; EXAMPLE 1 ;;; =================== (progn ; basic version (setf melo.pch (vector-to-pitch '(c4 e5) (gen-noise 64))) (setf melo.len (flatten (rnd-sample 64 '(h. h q (e e)(s s s s) -q)))) (setf melo (make-omn :pitch melo.pch :length melo.len )) (setf chords-types '((-4 -6 -9 -16)(-7 -9 -12 -15)(-2 -8 -12 -17))) (setf base-acc (gen-chord3 melo.pch chords-types :cycle nil :relative t)) (setf acc (chord-interval-replace '(1 2 3 4) '(-11 -10 -9 -8) (ambitus '(c3 g5) (length-legato (length-weight (make-omn :pitch base-acc :length melo.len )))))) (ps 'gm :vn* (list melo) :pg (list acc) :time-signature '(4 4) ) ) ;;; EXAMPLE 2 ;;; ========================= (progn ; modal version (setf melo.pch (vector-to-pitch '(c4 e5) (gen-noise 64))) (setf melo.len (flatten (rnd-sample 64 '(h. h q (e e)(s s s s) -q)))) (setf melo (make-omn :pitch melo.pch :length melo.len )) (setf chords-types '((-4 -6 -9 -16)(-7 -9 -12 -15)(-2 -8 -12 -17))) (setf base-acc (gen-chord3 melo.pch chords-types :cycle nil :relative t)) (setf acc (chord-interval-replace '(1 2 3 4) '(-11 -10 -9 -8) (ambitus '(c3 g5) (length-legato (length-weight (make-omn :pitch base-acc :length melo.len )))))) (setf path (tonality-series '(lydian) :root '(d4 bb4 fs3 c4 a3) :map '(octave))) (setf melo.map (tonality-map path (omn-to-time-signature melo '(4 4)))) (setf acc.map (tonality-map path (omn-to-time-signature acc '(4 4)))) (ps 'gm :vn* (list melo.map) :pg (list acc.map) ) ) SB. Modal-Example-For-Cliff.mp3
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