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  1. The Terminal command: defaults write com.opusmodus.Opusmodus NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -boolean false
  2. In order for dark mode to apply to OM3, I had to use Terminal. OM3 is in Aqua mode by default, which circumvents system appearance from applying to OM3.
  3. That depends on the app, as I'm sure you're aware. OM3 (unlike OM2) was set to be in Aqua mode by default, and as such the system's default appearance doesn't apply to it. It was easily solved through a Terminal command.
  4. No matter how we set pages up, OM3 windows and panes are in Aqua mode (which wasn't the case with OM2.) I managed to circumvent it with a Terminal command.
  5. So, there's no longer any way to set it to dark mode.
  6. Hi, OM2 had a dark mode, but I can't find it in OM3... Isn't there a dark mode in OM3? If there is, where do I find it? All the best, António
  7. Hi, I recently received an email announcing the (paid) upgrade to Opusmodus 3.0, but there's a whole lot of information missing. Here goes: what exactly are the new features in Opusmodus 3 (vs 2.2)? Everything I saw on it here is rather elusive and extremely vague. All the best, António
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