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Everything posted by opmo

  1. NIL output is what we need to avoid in Opusmodus especially when you deal with pitches, lengths etc... this is why you almost never, see any NIL output in OPMO.
  2. Thank you Rangarajan, great example on how to extend Opusmodus functionality.
  3. I personally think this is how the function needs to work. What would you expect here: (find-unique-seq '((1 2 3) (2) (2) (2))) Unique is unique.
  4. Here it is: (defun find-unique-seq (sequence &key seed) (do-verbose ("find-unique-seq") (rnd-seed seed) (prog (elem pick out) (dotimes (i (length sequence)) (setf elem (find-unique (car sequence))) (setf pick (rnd-pick elem :seed (seed))) (setf out (cons pick out)) (setf sequence (mapcar (lambda (x) (remove pick x)) (cdr sequence)))) (return (remove nil (nreverse out)))))) (rnd-unique-seq '((1 2 3) (2 4) (3 5))) => (3 2 5)
  5. I see what you are after. As you know you can write your own functions and extend the system to your own needs.
  6. (setf lst '((1 2 3) (2 4) (3 5))) (rnd-unique (length lst) (flatten lst))
  7. The NREVERSE is destructive Lisp function and for other use. What you are looking for is REVERSE or even bette (safer) the GEN-RETROGRADE function. (setf leftHand (pitch-transpose 'c0 (gen-retrograde pitchOnlyFirstCall)))
  8. The .opmo~ extensions are auto generated files and used by the system when the app crashes etc... to recover the content of your original file. This file you leave alone, you ignore them and you should not use them (security) :-)
  9. Opusmodus is more in line with a developing systems. This way you can use the same file or document in many workspaces without the need to make a copy of the same document again and again. Yes, indeed this is a different implementation. If you want to keep all files in the same workspace folder you will need to save or place them in the folder and then add them to the Navigator panel, this way you don't need the consolidate function. Try this: 1. Close all your workspace documents. 2. Create new workspace (not in other workspace folder). 3. New -> File (you don't need to add the .opmo extension to the name, just a name). Same text problem?
  10. Consolidated we use for collection all files into one place (folder) when we want to share our work with others or when we wish collect all files into one place. The Navigator is only a link panel to files which can be anywhere on your computer. Drawing or Adding files to the Navigator will not copy the files or folders to the Workspace folder. The Consolidate folder will not be visible in the Navigator and will collect files only which are missing for the original Workspace folder. By project I mean Workspace folder with a workspace document .opmows. with the same name - for example the 'Quick Start' workspace (project). Maybe this helps:
  11. Indeed, this is not a Opusmodus issue. However, I don't see any error when loading 'drama'. You need to install the CCL first in your home directory. Then: ;;; CCL path (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ccl") '((#P"ccl:**;*.*" #P"/Users/opusmodus/ccl/**/*.*"))) ;;; Quicklisp Setup #-quicklisp (let ((quicklisp-init (merge-pathnames "quicklisp/setup.lisp" (user-homedir-pathname)))) (when (probe-file quicklisp-init) (load quicklisp-init))) Maybe this helps:
  12. 1. New -> File 2. Save the file in the workspace folder of your project. 3. The new file will open in the composer automatically and will be visible in the Navigator. 4. Past your code. 5. Save You do something strange :-) I can help without seeing what you do. This is not a bug.
  13. GEN-PAUSE velocity swallow fix.
  14. No, MAKE-OMN can span as well with the keyword :span, for example here, the master is pitch: (setf pitch (gen-eval 8 '(randomize-octaves '(gb1 eb8) '(gb2cs3 e4as3 g4 eb5)))) (make-omn :length '(1/80 3/64 13/192 -1/120 871/1920) :pitch pitch :span :pitch)
  15. Correct, elements on one list to match another. MAKE-OMN function internally use SPAN therefore there is no need to use SPAN just for MAKE-OMN.
  16. The SPAN loop the length to cover all pitches. The master here are the pitches. And the output of your first post is correct.
  17. Congratulation to your first piece :-)
  18. I think you might need to quantise the midi file (data) first with Logic or other software. The output you see is pure translation of the lengths. Or you need to change the length setup in the import window. Other possibility would be to make the length output in ratios only, to do that I would need to make some changes to the system.
  19. Thank you, we are looking at this. The tuplet system need some fixing.
  20. An Opusmodus presentation at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Rome. Composition class Ivan Fedele.
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