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Everything posted by opmo

  1. Each sublist with is own transposition value: (setf theme-tn (pitch-transpose '(0 5 -2 3) '((e f5 g5 a5 s gb5 f5 e e5 f5 g5 s e5 eb5) (e d5 e5 f5 s d5 db5 e c5 d5 e5 s c5 b4) (e bb4 c5 d5 s b4 bb4 e a4 bb4 c5 s a4 ab4) (e g4 a4 bb4 s g4 gb4 e f4 g4 a4 -e)))) One transposition value for the entire sequence: (setf theme-tr1 (pitch-transpose 6 '((e f5 g5 a5 s gb5 f5 e e5 f5 g5 s e5 eb5) (e d5 e5 f5 s d5 db5 e c5 d5 e5 s c5 b4) (e bb4 c5 d5 s b4 bb4 e a4 bb4 c5 s a4 ab4) (e g4 a4 bb4 s g4 gb4 e f4 g4 a4 -e))))
  2. The latest update of Opusmodus 3.0 is compatible with macOS 14 (Sonoma).
  3. This example should help: (setf rh '((-s) (e f4e5 pp -s db5) (-s) (-s eb4 pp c4d5 -) (-s) (-s c4d5 pp eb4 -) (-s) (e db5 pp -s f4e5) (-s) (s gb4f5 p a5 -) (s d4ab4db5 p bb4 -) (-s a5 p gb4f5) (-s) (s b5 f gb4g5 -) (s a3bb4 f ab4 -) (s c4d5 f> eb4 -) (s db5 f> f4e5 -) (-s) (s gb4f5 p a5 d4ab4db5 bb4 -) (-s) (-s a5 pp gb4f5) (-s))) (setf lh '((-s) (-s b3 pp gb3g4 -) (-s) (e a2bb3 pp -s ab4) (-s) (e ab4 pp -s a2bb3) (-s) (-s gb3g4 pp b3 -) (-s) (-s e3eb4 p c3) (-s ab3d4g4 p db5) (s c3 p e3eb4 pp -) (-s) (-s f3e4 f db4) (-s eb4 f c4d5) (-s ab4 mp bb3a4) (-s g2gb3 mp b3) (-s) (-s e3eb4 p c3 ab3d4g4 db5) (-s) (s c3 pp e3eb4 -) (-s))) (setf time-events '((1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (3 16 3) (1 16 1) (3 16 4) (1 16 1) (5 16 1) (1 16 1) (3 16 1) (1 16 1))) (setf tempo-events '(("Sehr mäßig" e. 40 16) (:rit 40 26 1/64 2) (40 1) (:rit 40 26 1/64 3))) (def-score webern-op.27-1 (:title "Variationen für Klavier Op.27, I" :subtitle "Fragment" :composer "Anton Webern" :copyright "Copyright © 1937 by Universal Edition" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature time-events :tempo tempo-events :layout (piano-solo-layout 'rhand 'lhand)) (rhand :omn rh :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0) (lhand :omn lh :channel 2) ) with accelerando you do the opposite: (:accel 60 96 1/64 2) Example: (setf tempo '(("Mäßig" 60 :length 10/4) (:rit 60 40 1/64 2/4) (60 2/4) (:accel 60 96 1/64 2/4) ("heftig" 96 2/4) (:rit 96 60 1/64 1/4) ("wieder mäßig" 60 4/4) (:rit 60 44 1/64 2/4) (44 3/4)))
  4. On Mac the Meta key equals the Alt (option) key.
  5. 3.0.29111 – New: Display Commands List... - Developer shortcuts. You find the commands list window in the 'Help' menu. – Fixed: Listener - removes selection before doing the evaluation form the editor. snippet - no clef changes (better visualisation of the intervals direction). Navigator - folders will not collapsed when changing Navigator directories (menu). – Documents: Documents edit. Happy coding, Janusz
  6. (cartesian '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8)))
  7. (tonality-map '(dorian :closest down :root g4 :map octave) (pitch-transpose -7 mat3)) => (s c4 mf d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 bb4 c5)
  8. Your function needs to be rewriten. Here you get the result: (tonality-map '(dorian :root c4 :map octave :seed 45) mat3)
  9. Any function which is using seed needs to include the seed in your function.
  10. (find-closest i expscalemidi :seed (seed))
  11. The 'Loopback' software will allow you audio routing: Rogue Amoeba | Loopback: Cable-Free Audio Routing ROGUEAMOEBA.COM Get all the power of a high-end studio mixing board, right inside your Mac! This is my setup:
  12. You can save the score to midi file and import the midi file to your DAW: The other way is to send the midi file directly in the other app: To open the file in Finale: (midi-to-editor :file "file-name" :application "Finale")
  13. The demo time and the start time can't be change.
  14. I am not sure, it is a long time ago I was using/supporting this version - I am guessing Catalina.
  15. 3.0.29099 – New functions: RND-MELODIZE RND-CHORD-PITCH-ORDER (utilities) – Improvements and Changes: SCALE-NUMBERS (keyword :sum) – Documents: Documents edit.
  16. Done: (scale-numbers .3 '(3 4 2 3 4 2 1)) => (0.90000004 1.2 0.6 0.90000004 1.2 0.6 0.3) (scale-numbers 25 '(1 2 3 4 5) :sum t) => (1.6666666 3.3333333 5.0 6.6666665 8.333333)
  17. I would suggest to upgrade your OM to version 3.0. Version 1.3 is quite old. The current version is 3.0. I would only suggest to delete or compress and then delete the Opusmodus folder in your User home directory and start from there.
  18. Yes, this could be done. I will have a look.
  19. The function scale-to-sum is part of OM 3.0.29095
  20. We could make a new function scale-to-sum (scale-to-sum 25 '(1 2 3 4 5) :round t) => (2 3 5 7 8) Will be part of the next update.
  21. (setf lst '(1 2 3 4 5)) (setf list-sum (sum lst)) (setf scale (/ 25 list-sum)) (scale-numbers scale lst) I will add a round (keyword) into the function. (scale-numbers scale lst :round t) => (2 3 5 7 8)
  22. Thank you Stephane, always pleasure to listen to your work. The new tone-lakes function is very inspiring indeed.
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