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Everything posted by opmo

  1. Yes, you need to purchase a new license. Each license key can be used on only two computers. If you wish, after the purchase, we can extend your current license key to cover four computers instead of issuing an additional key.
  2. This makes no sence (1/3 1/5) this is why the function will compete the tuplet. Tuplet here is used as one unit: (gen-combine '(1/2 1/3 1/3 1/3) '(1/4 1/5 4/5)) => ((1/2 1/4) (1/3 1/3 1/3 1/5 4/5))
  3. (setf aug-rest-length (loop for i in (omn :length mat) when (length-restp i) collect (* 1/2 i) when (length-notep i) collect (* 2 i))) or (setf aug-rest-length (loop for i in (omn :length mat) when (minusp i) collect (* 1/2 i) when (plusp i) collect (* 2 i)))
  4. (setf mat (flatten '((s d3 ffff -e. s f3 mf -q.. s f3 ffff -e.) (s g3 -e. s f3 -e. q.. g3 -s)))) (setf aug-length (loop for i in (omn :length mat) collect (if (length-restp i) i (car (length-augmentation 4 (list i)))))) (setf augmat (make-omn :length aug-length :pitch (omn :pitch mat) :velocity (omn :velocity mat) :articulation (omn :articulation mat))) (setf mat (pitch-transpose -12 augmat)) => (q d2 ffff -e. q f2 mf -q.. q f2 ffff -e. q g2 -e. q f2 -e. w.. g2 -s)
  5. Sorry to hear you experienced an issue with the purchase of the software. This has been resolved, and your License Key was sent to you today. Happy coding and composing!
  6. until
    The Institute New Music and the Studio Electronic Music at the University Mozarteum in Salzburg would like to invite you. LIMINA – Contemporary Music Festival Salzburg 29. November – 01. December 2023 During the festival 23 new works by composition students from european music universities will be premiered by five ensembles from three different countries. The programme will be complemented with lectures by Cathy van Eck (BE,NL), Georgia Koumara (GR) and Laure M. Hiendl (DE). Program 29.11. / 20:00 / NAMES (AT) / Solitär 30.11. / 18:00 / eventuell. | Duo (CH) / Kleines Studio 30.11. / 20:00 / Ensemble Garage (DE) / Solitär 01.12. / 18:00 / Duo Stump-Linshalm (AT) / Kleines Studio 01.12. / 20:00 / Ensemble Adapter (DE) / Solitär Free admission to all events. More information can be found on our website and social media channels: limina.moz.ac.at www.facebook.com/liminafestival www.instagram.com/liminafestival We are looking forward to seeing you! LIMINA Team: Alexander Bauer, Achim Bornhoeft, Silvija Čiuladytė, Marco Döttlinger, Laure M. Hiendl, Felix Kiesel, Matthias Leboucher, Marco Sala
  7. Fixed in 3.0.29130 '((3h c4 e4 g4 h c4e4g4b4) (-q q c5 3h a4 g4 e4))
  8. Most of the users were asking about alphanumerical sort. This is what we did adding numerical sort as well.
  9. The Workspace Navigator sorts files alphabetically. If you want a file to appear at the top as a working file, add '00.' at the beginning of the filename.
  10. This message will appear if the SupperCollider extensions are on and the audio devices are changed on your cpu. To fix this, simply run SuperCollider app and kill all servers and start again.
  11. This can't be displayed in notation. How do you display 1/139 etc... (setf step 8) (setf den (gen-integer 144 88 step)) => (144 136 128 120 112 104 96 88) (loop for i in den collect (/ 1 i)) => (1/144 1/136 1/128 1/120 1/112 1/104 1/96 1/88) This ratios making no sense in notation, this is why we use tempo changes - rit. and accel.
  12. Opusmodus Score to SuperCollider - Notstand.
  13. This video demonstrate how we convert OM score to SC parameters and values using Opusmodus system.
  14. This style of code is hard to read and considered poor practice. It's advisable to use variables for individual expressions, especially when you're just starting out. Before stating that something isn't working, it's a good idea to study the function carefully and run some tests or experiments. Good forum etiquette suggests starting a new post if the previous issue has been resolved. Otherwise, we risk having a single, elongated conversation that strays from the original topic indicated by the post title.
  15. I would also highly recommend taking some time to study Common Lisp, particularly its powerful features for list manipulation. Understanding how to effectively handle lists will not only enhance your coding skills but also allow you to take full advantage of what the language has to offer.
  16. (assemble-seq (loop for i in '(0 5 -2 3 8 1 6 -1 4 9 2 7) collect (pitch-transpose i mat)))
  17. It this what you are looking for: (setf mat '((e f5 g5 a5 s gb5 f5 e e5 f5 g5 s e5 eb5) (e d5 e5 f5 s d5 db5 e c5 d5 e5 s c5 b4) (e bb4 c5 d5 s b4 bb4 e a4 bb4 c5 s a4 ab4) (e g4 a4 bb4 s g4 gb4 e f4 g4 a4 -e))) (loop for i in '(0 5 -2 3 8 1 6 -1 4 9 2 7) collect (pitch-transpose i mat))
  18. Each sublist with is own transposition value: (setf theme-tn (pitch-transpose '(0 5 -2 3) '((e f5 g5 a5 s gb5 f5 e e5 f5 g5 s e5 eb5) (e d5 e5 f5 s d5 db5 e c5 d5 e5 s c5 b4) (e bb4 c5 d5 s b4 bb4 e a4 bb4 c5 s a4 ab4) (e g4 a4 bb4 s g4 gb4 e f4 g4 a4 -e)))) One transposition value for the entire sequence: (setf theme-tr1 (pitch-transpose 6 '((e f5 g5 a5 s gb5 f5 e e5 f5 g5 s e5 eb5) (e d5 e5 f5 s d5 db5 e c5 d5 e5 s c5 b4) (e bb4 c5 d5 s b4 bb4 e a4 bb4 c5 s a4 ab4) (e g4 a4 bb4 s g4 gb4 e f4 g4 a4 -e))))
  19. The latest update of Opusmodus 3.0 is compatible with macOS 14 (Sonoma).
  20. This example should help: (setf rh '((-s) (e f4e5 pp -s db5) (-s) (-s eb4 pp c4d5 -) (-s) (-s c4d5 pp eb4 -) (-s) (e db5 pp -s f4e5) (-s) (s gb4f5 p a5 -) (s d4ab4db5 p bb4 -) (-s a5 p gb4f5) (-s) (s b5 f gb4g5 -) (s a3bb4 f ab4 -) (s c4d5 f> eb4 -) (s db5 f> f4e5 -) (-s) (s gb4f5 p a5 d4ab4db5 bb4 -) (-s) (-s a5 pp gb4f5) (-s))) (setf lh '((-s) (-s b3 pp gb3g4 -) (-s) (e a2bb3 pp -s ab4) (-s) (e ab4 pp -s a2bb3) (-s) (-s gb3g4 pp b3 -) (-s) (-s e3eb4 p c3) (-s ab3d4g4 p db5) (s c3 p e3eb4 pp -) (-s) (-s f3e4 f db4) (-s eb4 f c4d5) (-s ab4 mp bb3a4) (-s g2gb3 mp b3) (-s) (-s e3eb4 p c3 ab3d4g4 db5) (-s) (s c3 pp e3eb4 -) (-s))) (setf time-events '((1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (4 16 1) (1 16 1) (3 16 3) (1 16 1) (3 16 4) (1 16 1) (5 16 1) (1 16 1) (3 16 1) (1 16 1))) (setf tempo-events '(("Sehr mäßig" e. 40 16) (:rit 40 26 1/64 2) (40 1) (:rit 40 26 1/64 3))) (def-score webern-op.27-1 (:title "Variationen für Klavier Op.27, I" :subtitle "Fragment" :composer "Anton Webern" :copyright "Copyright © 1937 by Universal Edition" :key-signature 'atonal :time-signature time-events :tempo tempo-events :layout (piano-solo-layout 'rhand 'lhand)) (rhand :omn rh :channel 1 :sound 'gm :program 0) (lhand :omn lh :channel 2) ) with accelerando you do the opposite: (:accel 60 96 1/64 2) Example: (setf tempo '(("Mäßig" 60 :length 10/4) (:rit 60 40 1/64 2/4) (60 2/4) (:accel 60 96 1/64 2/4) ("heftig" 96 2/4) (:rit 96 60 1/64 1/4) ("wieder mäßig" 60 4/4) (:rit 60 44 1/64 2/4) (44 3/4)))
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