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Everything posted by opmo

  1. Without a score or an example I can't help. If you can see the articulation in OM music-xml display then the Sibelius is the problem.
  2. Fix to SPLIT-LENGTHS.
  3. or direct conversion of the score to omn: (pprint (score-to-omn 'flute2))
  4. section and exclude works with lists not on a list. Arguments and Values: section an integer or a list of integers. Selected list or lists to process. The default is NIL. exclude an integer or a list of integers. Excluded list or lists from process. The default is NIL.
  5. We are talking about the future implementation.
  6. Dear Torsten, We have spent some time talking about the microtonal notation and came up with this solution which we think fits the notation and OMN well.
  7. TONALITY-MAP optimisation (much faster now) and change to tonality-form keywords: Tonality Form: tonality tonality name, pitch list, chord, integer list or OMN list. root pitch symbol or an integer. sort NIL or T. The default is T. add an integer (additional intervals). remove a list of integers (remove intervals from the tonality). closest NIL, down or up. The default is NIL (random). rotate and integer (chordal inversion). variant a variant symbol: o, r, i, ri, 4, r4, 5, r5 or ? (at random). ambitus instrument-name or list (low high). map fixed, shift or NIL. The default is NIL. seed NIL or an integer. The default is NIL. The same applies to the TONALITY-SERIES function.
  8. Fix to TONALITY-MAP if scale are lists with :shift option.
  9. and/or (matrix-transpose '((1 3 5) (2 4 6))) => ((1 2) (3 4) (5 6)) (setf mat1 '(c4 db4 ab4 f4 g4 bb4 a4 eb4 b4 e4 d4 gb4)) (setf mat2 '(db4 ab4 f4 g4 bb4 a4 eb4 b4 e4 d4 gb4 c4)) (gen-combine mat1 mat2) => ((c4 db4) (db4 ab4) (ab4 f4) (f4 g4) (g4 bb4) (bb4 a4) (a4 eb4) (eb4 b4) (b4 e4) (e4 d4) (d4 gb4) (gb4 c4)) (gen-combine '(a a a a) '(b b b) '(c c) :rest t) => ((a b c) (a b c) (a b) (a)) (gen-combine '(a a a a) '(b b b) '(c c) :revolving t) => ((a b c) (a b c) (a b c) (a b c))
  10. MOTIF-MAP function name changed to PATTERN-MAP
  11. SET-ASSIGNMENT function is a private (dev) function. You know about the function because of the Mozarteum Uni. The official name for the function is ASSIGN-VARIABLE, the SET-ASSIGNMENT function name will be removed from the system. assign-variable index-name lists [Function] Arguments and Values: index-name an index name. lists a lists. Description: The function ASSIGN-VARIABLE provides a way of labelling items as variables. It uses a similar mechanism to that found in the function CREATE-ASSIGNMENT but without the need for additional evaluation. (assign-variable 'var '((c4 cs4 d4) (ds4 e4 f4) (fs4 g4 gs4) (a4 bb4 b4))) var0 => (c4 cs4 d4) var1 => (ds4 e4 f4) var2 => (fs4 g4 gs4) var3 (a4 bb4 b4) Examples: (setf perc-motifs (gen-divide 5 (integer-to-pitch (rnd-number 20 -1 5)))) => ((c4 c4 db4 db4 eb4) (eb4 e4 db4 f4 db4) (d4 eb4 e4 db4 db4) (db4 db4 c4 db4 db4)) (assign-variable 'perc perc-motifs) => (perc0 perc1 perc2 perc3) perc2 => (cs4 d4 d4 eb4 cs4)
  12. Just please the cursor on SETF function and type ⌃⇥ (ctrl/tab) setf place value [Macro] Arguments and Values: place a place. value a form. Description: Takes pairs of arguments like SETQ. The first is a place and the second is the value that is supposed to go into that place. Returns the last value. The place argument may be any of the access forms for which SETF knows a corresponding setting form. Examples: (setf pitch '(c4 e4 g4 c5)) => (c4 e4 g4 c5) pitch => (c4 e4 g4 c5) If more than one pair is supplied, the pairs are processed sequentially. (setf place-1 newvalue-1 place-2 newvalue-2 ... place-N newvalue-N) equivalent to (progn (setf place-1 newvalue-1) (setf place-2 newvalue-2) ... (setf place-N newvalue-N))
  13. We are in the process of streamlining function variable and keyword names. AMBITUS-SWALLOW is now AMBITUS-FILTER with additional keyword :remain (ambitus-filter '(-11 21) '((q c4ds3 e c4 c1 q d5 g9) (q c4 e d6 d6 d6 d6 c8 q d5 g9))) ((q c4ds3 e c4 - q d5 -) (q c4 -he q d5 -)) (ambitus-filter '(-11 21) '((q c4ds3 e c4 c1 q d5 g9) (q c4 e d6 d6 d6 d6 c8 q d5 g9)) :remain t) => ((-q. e c1 -q g9) (-q e d6 d6 d6 d6 c8 -q g9)) In the following functions the keyword :span is changed to :time TONALITY-MAP GET-HARMONIC-PATH HARMONIC-PATH DO-TIMELINE DO-TIMELINE2 If you use any of these functions please replace the keyword :span to :time. To make the replacement to your scores please use the 'Search Files...' tool which you will find in the Tools menu. A new keyword :exclude has been added to many functions which use :section option (the new option will be added to all functions soon).
  14. OMN-TO-TIME-SIGNATURE is the function you are looking for: (setf time-signatures '((1 4 1) (3 4 2) (4 4))) (setf omn1 '(-q q c5 p eb4 h gb4 q gb5 p a4 f c5 q c6 p eb5 gb5 q gb6 p a5 c6)) (omn-to-time-signature omn1 time-signatures) => ((-q) (q c5 p eb4 gb4 tie) (q gb4 p gb5 a4 f) (q c5 f c6 p eb5 gb5) (q gb6 p a5 c6))
  15. Emacs has M-x comment-or-uncomment-region, but that’s missing in Hemlock. If it’s Lisp expressions you’re commenting out, you can always prepend #+not #+not (defun foo (x) x)
  16. Would be great to have all VSL Instrument programs in Opusmodus Library.
  17. POSITION-FILTER works with OMN-Form (events) now: OMN events: (position-filter '(1 3 3 1 2 1 0 1 2) '(q c4 p e d4 e e4 q f4 s g4 a4 bb4 b4)) => (e d4 p q f4 f4 e d4 e4 d4 q c4 e d4 e4) (position-filter '((1 3 3 1 2 5) (1 0 1 2 7 3)) '(q c4 p e d4 e e4 q f4 s g4 a4 bb4 b4)) => ((e d4 p q f4 f4 e d4 e4 s a4) (e d4 p q c4 e d4 e4 s b4 q f4)) (position-filter '(1 0) '((q c4 p e d4 e e4) (s f4 mf s g4 e a4) (q b4 p s c5 s d5) (e e5 mp s. f5 t g5))) => ((s f4 mf s g4 e a4) (q c4 p e d4 e e4)) (position-filter '((1 0) (0 2)) '((q c4 p e d4 e e4) (s f4 mf s g4 e a4) (q b4 p s c5 s d5) (e e5 mp s. f5 t g5))) => ((e d4 p q c4) (s f4 mf e a4) (s c5 p q b4) (e e5 mp t g5)) (position-filter '((1 0) (0 2) (0 2) (0 2) (0 1) (0 2)) '((q c4 p e d4 e e4) (s f4 mf s g4 e a4) (q b4 p s c5 s d5) (e e5 mp s. f5 t g5))) => ((e d4 p q c4) (s f4 mf e a4) (q b4 p s d5) (e e5 mp t g5) (q c4 p e d4) (s f4 mf e a4))
  18. Fix to INTERGER-TO-INTERVAL: (integer-to-interval '((-12) ((2 4) 5 19 -12 (2 4) 5 19))) => ((nil) ((14 2) 1 14 -31 (14 2) 1 14)) Test (interval-to-integer '((nil) ((14 2) 1 14 -31 (14 2) 1 14)) :start -12) => ((-12) ((2 4) 5 19 -12 (2 4) 5 19)) (interval-to-pitch '((nil) ((14 2) 1 14 -31 (14 2) 1 14)) :start -12) => ((c3) (d4e4 f4 g5 c3 d4e4 f4 g5))
  19. New release: Fix to rest and ttrem positions in notation display.
  20. NEW: MODUS is working with omn-form lists now. (modus '((q c6 cs4 e a4 e3 d6 f4) (q b4 gs3 e bb4 eb4 g5 fs6))) => ((0 1 9 4 2 5) (11 8 10 3 7 6)) MOTIF-MAP function name has change to PATTERN-MAP with additional functionality. (setf omn '((s c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5) (5q c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 g4 f4 e4 d4 c4))) (pattern-map '(((c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4 f4)) ((f4 g4) (eb4 fs4))) omn :type :pitch) => ((s cs4 ds4 f4 eb4 fs4 a4 b4 c5) (5q cs4 ds4 f4 eb4 fs4 g4 f4 e4 d4 c4)) (pattern-map '(((c4 d4 e4) (cs4 ds4 f4)) ((f4 g4) (eb4 fs4))) omn :type :pitch :loop t) => ((s cs4 ds4 f4 f4 g4 a4 b4 c5) (5q c4 d4 e4 eb4 fs4 g4 f4 e4 d4 c4)) (setf mat '((q c6 cs4 a4 e3 d6 f4) (q b4 gs3 bb4 eb4 g5 fs6))) (modus mat) => ((0 1 9 4 2 5) (11 8 10 3 7 6)) (pattern-map '(((0 1 9 4 2 5) (0 4 2 1 9 5)) ((11 8 10 3 7 6) (10 8 11 3 7 6))) mat :type :pitch :pcs t) => ((q c6 e4 d4 cs3 a6 f4) (q bb4 gs3 b4 eb4 g5 fs6)) (pattern-map '(((0 1 9) (10 8 11)) ((11 8 10) (0 1 9))) mat :type :pitch :pcs t :loop t) => ((q bb6 gs4 b4 e3 d6 f4) (q c4 cs3 a4 eb4 g5 fs6))
  21. With time you will find a way how to control all this without the need to close/restart the app. I don't remember doing this, but I do remember to have the same problems you have describe above.
  22. (setf a 100) a => 100 (makunbound 'a) a => > Error: Unbound variable: a The simples way is to give the variable 'a new value. You can't clear and should not play with memory there are lots of variables which are part of the system. It is a good practise to give a more meaningful name to a variable then just a one character.
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